Chapter 9: Mad Dash

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     I suddenly see my room back home again. I realize i'm in a dream almost immediately this time. The same one as before. Oh hell. I get up from my bed, and walk into the hall with my trousers on. This dream was the same as last time. That was confirmed when the shadow from the dining room moved again towards the back door.

     I decided to explore the rest of the house this time. It was to no avail. All the other rooms were empty, and like before, there was absolutely no noise. I walk back to the kitchen, and out the back door.

     The doors were there again, only this time, there was only a door with my name. There was also a large map on the outdoor table. My old Monopoly Board was flung out across the floor, with all the fake dollar bills sitting on the ground and not being carried away by any wind.

     The shadow was looming over the outdoor table, looking affixed to the ceiling. It was supremely weird. Then, I hear it say something. "Ronnie. Ronnie!"

     "Ronnie!" I hear, springing up from the floor in the restaurant. Tori stood over me, shaking me awake. "Ronnie. Grab your shit, we have to move."

     "What happened?" I hear myself say sleepily.

     "A street gang." She says, and I start to get up. "Know Bronx Boys like the back of my hand. We gotta get out of here."

     "Alright." I say, standing up and grabbing my bag. Tori, Catey and I run out to see Adam beckoning us to follow him. We exit the restaurant and start running down the road. Only we had been running too far on the road.

     I heard a commotion behind us, and the group Tori talked about started running this way. They were at least 20 strong, and quick. They didn't look very friendly. Probably would mug and rob us.

     "Duck!" I hear Catey say. It was just in time, too, as multiple shots rang out behind me. the sound of bullets flying next to me was new. There was no bang; instead it was like a air disturbance. The air grew warm and a vortex flew by at incredible speeds.

     Then, something scary happened. The group was firing some rounds still, and were between two large towers. Right in a valley. Or should I say, a funnel for Z's. They quickly emerged from the buildings, eerily resembling the scene at the townhouse.

     The horde rushes in, and gunshots echo from inside. Screams follow, many of which are almost louder. From our position, seeing the grotesque event was impossible, due to the inhuman shield of Z's. It was disturbing to say the least.

     But we all seemed to pick up on a critical fact. Inner City streets were the worst place to be. The ease of that group being surrounded was astonishing. Even a group of 20 gun wielders was no match for the Z's.

     "Let's go." Catey says, somewhat distressed. I don't blame her. This was horrific. "Before they notice us."

     "Yeah." Adam says, gulping. We all seem to follow Catey, running between alleys and through streets. Hopefully, there were no more obstacles on the way to this safe haven.

     I hope Battery Park would be good. That it'd be all that they said it would be. They would need to be well organized - especially if we were all kids there. I'd be able to leave, though, and head back to Tulsa with my friends.

     But doubts were forming in my head. What if they were right about Tulsa being the same as here? Then would the entire country be like this? That was a horrifying thought... and if it could spread that far... It's probably not contained to the USA.. It would be in Canada too.

     I push all that to the back of my head. Too much to think about, and way too distracting. If I wanted to survive, being alert and aware seemed to be the first steps. Being on guard at all times would be exhausting, though.

     I wish this could all go back to normal. A moment in the hotel crosses my mind, where I thought of all the things I would see. Zombie-like creatures wasn't on that list. And sightseeing was getting harder than ever.

    The sun had now risen above then horizon, and we could see much better. Darting between buildings was easier, and we ran into less trash bags. These alleys even smelled in this... thing. What was it? An apocalypse? An outbreak? If it really did spread far and wide, then it's an apocalypse. The end of the world.

     Nothing could be worse than Z's taking over.

     A trash can rumbles in front of us, and a Z jumps out at Adam suddenly. I'm so startled I nearly run into Catey. But she had ran into Tori, and they tumbled to the ground. Adam was holding him back with his gun, rendering him defenseless. I aim my gun at it. But then I remember what happened to that group from earlier. And Ashley.

     My other hand reaches for my knife, making sure not to hesitate. Hesitating resulted in death. I wouldn't be responsible for another death. My knife sinks into its lower neck, sliding into it with a strangely simple motion.

     That was another difference between these and zombies on Television. Any location of a stab  would be able to kill them. It meant that these things weren't nearly as zombie as I thought.

     The creature sinks to the ground, and I slide the knife into the neck to make sure it's dead. Tori offers Adam a hand, and he gets up from the ground. I wipe my knife against some piece of a trash bag that had tumbled out in the incident.

     "You good?" I ask, sliding the knife back into my sheath.

     "Yeah." Adam says. "Thanks."

     Then we realize a lot of sound was made, and we bolt out of the alley. This truly was terrifying.

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