Chapter 26: Rails

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I drop from the ladder, landing on the floor with a flop. Before I can get up, Eagle falls as well. She lands on top of me, and I moan in pain. I notice the flashlight had fallen from my grasp.

"Get off!" I exclaim, grabbing the flashlight and looking back into the ladder tube. The bottom had given out, and it's why we had fallen.

"Where are we?" She asks, and I get up. My flashlight scans the tunnel, and notice rails on the floor.

"You city fuckers and your subways." I laugh, a little hysterically. We had landed in an old train tunnel.

"Least tractors don't drive in our st-" Eagle begins, before the sound of a Z falling to the ground behind us makes us jump. It falls with a slam, and I pull my rifle out. "Follow me!" Eagle yells.

"Will do!" I respond, firing a shot into the Z's torso. The Z stands up as it hits, and dark blood splatters onto the wall behind it. I turn and run towards Eagle, looking back. Z's were falling from the chute every second.

"I hope you have a plan!" I exclaim, sprinting alongside her.

"Me too." She says, sucking in a huge breath. Our flashlights were bouncing around the walls in front of us, with horrible screams behind us. The sound of those.. things.. haunted me.

"There!" Eagle exclaims, pointing the beam of light at a platform. It was on both sides of the tunnel, with small benches and podiums. Blood was scattered on the floor and walls, with skeletons on the ground.


The image in my head from that.. I shudder. I wouldn't be able to forget that. My feet find themselves clambering onto the platform, skating past the bones as fast as I can. My charge was short lived, however, when I came across a gate.

It was a metal gate, with a small opening on the top. It was a turnstile, probably for people paying for the subway. It was pretty small, so I crashed into it. It was locked, and I recoil from the hit.

I turn around, looking for the other platform. It was the same, and the screams were getting closer. Time was running out and I would ne-

I'm forced to the ground, my face slamming into the concrete floor. I scream in pain. I grab my head, and roll around. My flashlight was out of my reach again, and my rifle had fallen. I could barely make out Eagle going over the turnstile.

"Eagle!" I yell, dazed. My nose was bleeding, along with my forehead and shoulders. She had pushed me.

"Sorry!" She yells annoyingly, getting to the other side and running.

"No!" I scream, anger taking me over. Adrenaline was in my veins. I grab my gun, and aim at her. Something keeps me from pulling the trigger, though. I couldn't. Before I could get over that, she disappeared around a corner and my sight was lost.

I turn around, seeing the horde getting closer. Time was almost out. I spray my rifle into the horde, which surprises them and makes them slow down. They weren't human, but they recognized danger.

I use the split second to throw my gun through the gap in the turnstile and try to get over. The Z's run closer, and my flashlight drops and cracks. It was pitch black, and I had just gotten to the top of the railing.

My ankle gets scratched, and I yell in pain. The sudden shock imbalances me, and I topple over the side of the turnstile. I land on the ground, moaning again. My leg was bleeding, my face was bleeding, I was bleeding.

I get up, grabbing my gun and hobbling out. I get around the corner, with no sight of Eagle. Next time I see her, I'll kill that bitch. She just left me for dead.

I fall onto a bench, with the Z's locked behind the gridlock. I was safe here, or at least I hoped. I grab some cloth I had packed before I left. Then, I apply it to my leg with a little bit of Hydrogen Peroxide. I roll it around my ankle, wrapping my foot. It would still hurt to walk, and I figure I should find a car.

     My anger for Eagle comes back as I get up and start walking. I really couldn't trust anyone, could I? There was no reason for her to help me survive. I was more useful to her as a distraction then a partner. With that in mind, it was harder to hate her. I understood why she did it.

     It just emphasized how much I needed Tori and co. They were the only ones that cared if I existed. I had to get back to them, even on my bad leg. I'd probably need a bicycle or car now, seeing as I couldn't walk very well.

     I start to climb the stairs, leaning on the cold handrail as I pushed myself out of the darkness. I never did grab that flashlight. Oh well, I'll be damned if I walk back there. My feet make it to the top with some grunting, and I pull myself up to a street.

     I slowly open the door, aiming my gun frantically. Of course this would be the stop I come to. The 911 Memorial. Fuck me. I see the building that Shaun died in, and I try to suppress the memories. This was just one more reminder. Down in the dark depths of the city, the more deadly and weird shit got.

     I look to the sky, seeing much more darkness than I expected. Without light pollution, the night sky showed so many stars. But tonight, that wasn't the case. There seemed to be a layer of clouds over the sky, which was weird because it wasn't cloudy today.

     I wrap my jacket around tighter, as cold wind slapped my face. As I looked around, I saw something strange. To the east, the night sky was filled with orange light. That light was topped with dark black clouds. Those clouds looked really similar to the ones in the sky already. It took a little bit to put the pieces together.

     There was a massive fire to the east.

But when I find that bitch, I'll kill her. In that moment I realize there's no substitute

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