Chapter 20: New Faces

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I walk off towards the south end of the building with my bag of batteries and other things. There were some rare treats like chocolate, and some freshly drawn maps of Manhattan. We had to get creative with out currencies now, because money was worthless. What would you do with money now? Bathe in it? Light it on fire?

Certainly not buy anything.

The atmosphere of this place was nice and relaxed. Kids playing everywhere, conversations, love, everything. It was like a high school in here, only kids weren't getting detentions for flipping water bottles.

And there were a lot more guns.

I exit the main lobby and look around. There was a commotion in the room to my left, so I walk inside. It was a moderately sized court room, with a shorter red head guy talking to a taller dark skinned girl.

"Thanks, Kemora." The guy says. "Catch you later." He then turns to me. "I don't know you."

"Same here." I say. "I'm here with 4 others. We're on a diplomatic mission."

"Ahh ok." He says. "My name's Skippy. What's yours?"

"Ronnie." I say, shaking his hand.

"And I'm Kemora." I hear from behind me. I shake her hand as well. "How's your mornings been?"

"Decent." Skippy says. "Kemora and I have been taking inventory."

"Boring as it sounds." She mentions, sitting down. "I got some questions if you don't mind."

"Go for it." I say.

"Where are you guys from?" She asks, as I look at the volume of guns. Eagle was right, there were a lot of weapons.

"Battery Park." I say.

"Ooh, ok." She says.

"All of our arrivals have been from eastern Brooklyn. Even some from Queens." Skippy says. "None from Manhattan, though."

"Out of curiosity.." Kemora begins. "You happen to know someone named Aniya?"

"What does she look like?" I ask her. "I don't recognize the name."

"Well, she's my sister. We're very similar looking." She says. I study her, trying to put a face from Battery to it. But I can't.

"I'm sorry, but I don't." I mutter.

She looks down to the ground, clearly disappointed with the answer. "Thanks for trying." She mutters. "We were separated from the start of this shit, and Manhattan is the place she would probably go."

"If it makes you feel any better." I begin. "My group's going to explore an apartment Orion mentioned. If I see her, I'll get her back to you."

"Thank you." She says, with a weak smile. "I'm gonna go now."

She walks out, and it leaves me and Skippy. I look at the collection of guns, amazed. These must be from another state or upstate New York. No way people owned these in the city. There were pistols, rifles, M4's, shotguns, you name it.

"Where'd you get these?" I ask Skippy.

"Some are from Upstate." He says. "Visitors in the wrong place at the wrong time. The rest, well.."

"Is it best I don't ask?" I question, laughing a bit.

"No, I'll say." He says, laughing. "If Orion didn't tell you, we got some problems with people out east. Gangs. They got some serious arms, but we've managed to get some of them."

"Scavenged." I say, picking a rifle up. It was an AR15 with carbon fiber finishing on the stock, grip, and the muzzle guard. It looked pristine. "How much would I need to give you for something like this with some mags and ammo?"

"Depends on what you got." He says.

"You guys don't have electricity here." I say, noticing the darkness. "At least in Manhattan, batteries are a huge thing. I've got some here."

He smiles. "Let me see." I hand him a pack of AA's, with about 24 of them inside. "I like the way you think. You got more?"

I hand him a smaller pack, this time of 16 AAA's. He looks it over, and then fished some stuff out from under his table. It's ammo and some mags, to my delight.

"I don't know whether to keep these for myself or give them to the place." He says, looking at the batteries. "But either way, they're useful. Use .223 Cal or just .22 with it. I'll give you 100 to start and four mags. Anything else you want?"

"I think this will do." I say. "Wait! Um, you by any chance have a suppressor for this?"

"Yup." He says. "Good catch. Here, my treat." He hands it to me, and I screw it on.

"Have a good day, man." I say, turning around to find the others.

"You too." He says, and I walk out of the door. I use my sling to wear it over my back, and walk into the lobby again. I walk to the other 4, who are all at a radio.

"Oh, hey Ronnie-" Tori begins, seeing the gun. "Holy shit."

"Eagle was right." I say. "His name's Skippy, there's a nice selection."

"I'll be back." Blake says. Adam follows, not wanting to be outdone.

"Dorks." Tori says.

"But he's my dork." Catey says, laughing. We laugh along.

"So, where's the radio?" I ask.

"We haven't sent a message yet." Tori says, pointing to it.

"Then I will." I say, walking to it. "Riko, this is Ronnie and SPEC. Inform the compound that we'll be a little late. All is fine. Brooklyn was a success."

I hang it back up and leave the room, inspecting my rifle. I take some time to load the ammo into the magazines, observing the place some more. Orion then walks over.

"I assume talks with Skippy went well." He says, laughing.

"Yeah." I say, remembering something. "You know what's up with Kemora?"

"Kemora." He says. "She asked you about Aniya?"

"Correct." I say, switching on the safety and inserting a magazine.

"They lived in Brooklyn. Aniya was separated from Kemora, and she's been obsessed with finding her ever since." He says.

"That helps." I say.

"Good!" Orion exclaims, as Blake and Adam walk out. Tori and Catey make it to the table first, and soon we're united again.

"What'd you guys get from Skippy?" Orion asks.

"I got a scope." Blake says. "He got a silencer."

"It's called a can, dude." Adam corrects.

"Suppressor sounds right to me." I say.

"Only normies say 'suppressor." Adam says. "And total noobs say 'silencer."

"Whatever." I say. "We gotta get going. It's been nice meeting you guys. Hopefully Kjrsten can meet you guys sometime."

"She your leader?" Orion asks.

"Yup." I say.

"Hope I can too." He says. "We are rebuilding the world, you know. Piece by piece."

"I'm not complaining." I say.

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