Chapter 7: New Friends

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"Are you crazy?" I say to the girl. There were two girls and one guy. The girl that wanted me to jump was blonde and somewhat short. The other girl was Hispanic, and about the same height. The guy had black hair and was about my height.

"No. Come on!" The second girl whispers.

"Can't I just wait them out?" I ask a little too loudly. One of the Z's screeches below and the footsteps seemed to double in speed below me. I realize I'd probably have to jump. I didn't know if they would lose interest. And it would get really hot out here...

"Come on, bro!" The guy says. "Get a running start. You have a big balcony."

I realize I don't have much of a choice. I use my strength to kick the railing segment out of the way, and I start walking to the opposite end of the balcony. I had some space to work with, but I'd need to get going quickly. Luckily, I was good at that. I shove my gun in my bag.

I take a deep breath and get into a sprint stance. The three clear a landing spot for me, and I swallow. Just get it over with. I prime my sprint and start running.

I near the end of the balcony and leap. It was really sketchy with the big bulky backpack, but I make it. It could have been more graceful, but I'm over. That's what matters.

"I hate that," I say, and the second girl starts laughing. The guy reaches his hand out and I take it. I get to my feet. "Thanks."

"Can we not do this right now?" The girl suggests. "We need to leave."

"Yeah." The guy says. "Come on. Let's go."

"Okay," I say, following them into what seemed like an identical townhouse. "What are your names?"

"I'm Victoria." The Second girl says. "She's Catey, and he's Adam."

"Ronnie," I say, following them down the attic ladder. "Do you have a plan, or what?"

"We were stopping for supplies," Catey Says. "Any reason you were attracting the whole of Manhattan there?"

"Looters," I say. "Tried to kill me, but they ended up dead."

"Wow," Adam says mockingly. "Couldn't kill them yourself?"

"Adam!" Catey says, and Victoria laughs.

"Anyway," I begin, trying to get the image out of my head. "Where are we going?"

"We have a little group right now," Victoria says. "You were alone, I assume?"

"I have a group of friends," I say. "They were coming to meet me from Central Park."

"Oh." She replies. "Well, you want to come with us?"

"Well, not really," I say, as we open a door. "Unless.. you know where your base is?"

"We were planning on a hotel by Battery Park," Catey says, and I see their ride. It was a silver Accord with black wheels. "Coming from the Bronx. It's hell up there."

"Battery Park?" I ask. "Where is that?"

"What do you mean where is Battery Park?" Adam questions, confusion on his face.

"I'm not from here," I say. "I was on a trip at Elevation with my friends."

"So where are you from?" Catey asks.

"Tulsa," I say.

"Oh shit," Victoria says. "Yeah, I'd be more surprised if you did know New York. You coming, or what?"

"I can't just abandon my friends," I say.

"How'd you get them to come towards your building?" She asks.

"A phone," I say, realizing what she's alluding to. "I see."

I pull out my phone, still with immaculate service. I open the text app and message Evan. The message said "change of plans. I'm riding with some locals to Battery Park. My house is compromised. DO NOT head there, it's overrun. Just get to Battery Park. Then we can go home."

I walk to the car and hop into the backseat next to Catey. Victoria pulls the car out of the street and starts driving.

"Tulsa, huh?" Adam asks. "You're a long way from there."

"I guess so," I say. "Once my friends get there, we can all go home finally."

"You want to go back?" Adam asks, sounding confused.

"Of course," I say.

"Even when it's exactly the same as here?" He asks. My brain seems to lock up.

"What do you mean, the same as here?" I ask, with noticeable worry in my voice.

"Damnit, Adam!" Catey says. "You had to be that blunt?"

"Bullshit!" I exclaim. "Tulsa ain't gonna be like this!"

"It wasn't contained," Adam says, sighing. "I watched it happen in the Bronx. All the things broke through the forces."

"It's not like there's a Trump wall around the city," Catey says. "I'm sorry, but if you want to survive you may want to sit tight."

"There's no way it spread that far in less than an hour!" I exclaim, frustrated.

"News says this is airborne," Victoria says. "Wind took it. Anyone that dies anywhere now can be infected."

"I.." I stutter. There's no way this could be worse. My mouth is just hanging open, paused in time and unsure of what to say.

My pocket buzzes, and I pull out my phone. Evan had texted back. I tap on it, and it reads "Where is Battery Park?" I tap on the keyboard and type what the map inside the car says. "Far south Manhattan." I click the little arrow icon to send, and the loading bar pops up.

Only it gets stuck halfway. I look in abject helplessness as the service on my phone immediately drops to 0 bars, and a second later "No Service." The lines couldn't have gone out at a more theatrical time.

How could this get any worse?

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