Chapter 27: Escape

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     I walk out towards a main road, looking for some sort of ride. Whatever that fire was, I had to get there quick. With my leg, I had to find something to drive. I get back on my leg, cringing, and walk across the street. There were old taxis nearby, so I decide to check those first.

     My legs carry me to the other road, and I pull on the door handle of the first one I see. The door pops open, and it reveals an old seat. I reach in and open the center armrest. There wasn't any supplies, and there was no key.

     I check another, and the story repeated itself. No supplies, no key. All I had found were a couple useless coins, and some napkins. Then another thing catches my eye, and it was a bicycle rack.

     Before I go there, I see a swat blockade. Or at least it used to be a blockade. I walk to it, finding a door unlocked. Inside one of the armored cars was a couple tools. I try the ignition, but the car was missing a key. Of course it was. Wrenches and even a grappler were inside. I take both, and go back to the bicycle rack.

     I hobble over, cringing with my leg pain. It seemed to be a bike rental service, and there were a couple different bikes. All of them were locked to the stand with a paying service. It cost a dollar, and I take the coins out I had grabbed from the taxis. I insert the coins, and after the fourth quarter, the lock pops open.

I prop the bike up on the kickstand and hop on. My feet get strapped in to the pedals, and I get ready to roll. My leg was still hurting, but I needed to get there quick. Hell, who knew if Tori and Blake and all of them had went there?

     Whatever that fire was, it would be a huge deal. It looked to have grown big already, and it would probably burn down all of Brooklyn at this rate. It's not like there was a fire department that could be called. We were all just kids, after all.

     I start pedaling the bike, cringing with each push. I had to get going fast, though. I didn't want any Z's to find me. Then I hear something.

     I'd jinxed myself. There were more funneling from behind me. Too many to bring to the fire. I keep riding, reaching into the basket. I keep coasting down the hill, hopeful that I'd find a way to diverge the Z's.

     I got to the bottom of the small hill, still pedaling. My foot was burning, and I wondered if it'd give out. It couldn't now, not now. I make a turn, and the Z's follow me. There were at least 200.

     There was no fighting this one.

     My bike turns and heads north on the bayside road, all the while Z's continuing to follow me. I was running out of energy, and I'd have to get away. I couldn't take the water route, k owing full and well It was too cold. I didn't know if the Z's could swim or not, but it was better to lean on the side of them being able to.

I look at the grappler, getting an idea. A stupid idea, but one nonetheless. I quickly pedal, hurting my foot but making more space. I take a corner, aiming my grappler at a nearby tower. I pull the trigger on the tool, and the hook shoots out towards the second story window of a tower. It shoots straight through, shattering the window and lodging itself in the roof of the second story.

I then release the trigger, and I'm pulled off the bike. The bike rattled on don the road, and I'm flown into the tower. It's like I'm flying. Miraculously, I don't let go of the grappler, in fact I hold on for dear life. My body flies through the window, cracking glass but landing me inside with minimal noise.

I fall to the floor, and then the noise of this is gone. The bike continues to roll, making noise while riding down the road. The horde comes a few seconds later, chasing it. The bike falls over though, leaving the horde confused outside this tower.

For fucks sake.

     I don't make a single movement, not wanting to make any noise. I can hear the horde outside, making small screams and lurching around. I wait for a long time. I'm surprised that the grappler worked, but I've got little pieces of glass cutting my skin and imbedded in it.

     It's stressful. I know that if I wait, they'll just go away. But for how long was an answer I didn't have. I waited, motionless, for at least 10 minutes. Then, their lazy asses finally got a move on, heading west and into the heart of the city.

When I couldn't hear them anymore I got up and sat, inspecting my arm. I pull out a piece of glass, which hurt WAY more than I thought it would, and inspect my leg. My foot was still bloodied. I'm just glad it was my ankle and not the sole of my foot. Then I wouldn't be able to walk.

I stand up, and stumble down a stairwell to the main lobby of the building. The lobby was dark and dusty, with no life anywhere. I hobble outside, grappler in hand, and hop back onto the bike. The kickstand quietly clicks as it's pushed back in, and I stand it up.

     The bike was definitely not as refined as it had been. It was bent in a couple places, and it was littered with scratches. I didn't think I had done much to it, I had just hopped off.. really really fast. Regardless, I hop on and start rolling it back towards my destination.

     I would make it there tonight whether fate wanted it or not.

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