Chapter 27-Public

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        Maddie Greene's P.O.V

I really haven't been this embarrassed, its just humiliating, to the eyes of everyone. Public embarrassment. I hate that.

"I'm so sorry" the waitress started again. That stupid confused expression on her face, who was she trying to fool?! me?!

"Fuck off!!" I couldn't help the yelling, honestly I am so so pissed right now. I dread this. I don't care if I'm acting out of proportion. I hate this!

"Ma'am...." The waitress tried again.

She just wouldn't leave.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Cole rise from his chair,  then I looked at him when he placed a hand lightly on my arm "Maddie, its okay, it was a slip" he said quietly, looking me in the eye.

I started fuming more...I just don't know why! I didn't reply I just stared at him.

Cole looked at the waitress who still looked downcast and shaken. He took the napkin from her and said in that calm, soothing voice again to her"Its okay, you can go, the damage isn't much,  I'll...."


I brought his words to an end when I slapped his hand off my arm. Isn't much?! Does he think the damage isn't much because he's not the one in the situation? I don't care that the restaurant's attention was on us, I don't care that I heard a few gasps..correction a lot of gasps, I don't care that Cole is watching me with the most distasteful look right now. I just want to express myself!

"Maddie" His voice came out between gritted teeth, it was still low and calm, but it was evident that it took a lot of control "Stop acting like this, most especially in public"

"You're so calm about all of this because it's not you!"

Cole squinted "Correction, I'm calm about this because there is no need to throw a tantrum about the whole thing, it was a 'mistake' Maddie"

He put more enforces on the 'mistake'. Gosh! I could spit in his face! But its true, I should just calm down before the whole stuff gets out of hand - more.

Guess what I did.

"Stop advising me, you can keep it to yourself Cole!" Yes....the bitch in me said. NO.

"Maddie..." Cole started, but I kept talking.

"....You're not the one who has beer all over them, that's why you're being all goody too shoes..."


"If you'll just fuck off, I'd like to stop hearing you say bullshit and understand me".

Cole's silence, straight face and the quiet restaurant made me realise how bad it got. Sorry. Terrible!

A brief stare between Cole and I, then he dropped the napkin on the table and made out the restaurant.

My eyes followed him. I just messed up. Huge! My eyes registered everyone, boring holes at me, attention on me, displeasure in their eyes, a few heads shaking in irritation. I messed up big time!

I rushed out after Cole, once outside I could see him open the door to his car and get in, shutting it with so much rage,  that I swallowed. I just wanted to us to have a good look what I did...I ruined it, and for the first time Cole scared me.

I was waiting for him to drive away like Damon would do whenever I upset him in public, but Cole just buried his face in his palms and waited, I could see him trying desperately through the closed window to calm down. At a point he combed his fingers through his hair, then buried his face again in his palm.

My heart did something. The emotion I felt next was something I didn't want to believe....but it was there. Apart from feeling scared...I felt something else.

Finally having the guts I walked slowly to the car, opened the door, got in quietly and shut the door. As a sign that he was waiting for me, he rose his head and turned the key in the ignition, and drove off, like quickly.

The ride was definitely silent. Of course! What boyfriend would want to talk to a girlfriend that just humiliated him in public for nothing! Definitely not Cole or Damon.

I wanted to apologise, to say something, but one glimpse at that frowning, jaw-clenched, cold face of Cole and the my words digest, only to come back after a minute of silence.

I cannot tell Maddie about this, she'll probably yell at me the way I did to her when she told me about her episode with Damon.

But hey! Her situation was worse than mine. She betrayed his trust...and I just embarrassed Cole - in public. They are probably the same thing, in the sense that they can never be forgotten, but different in the sense that the embarrassment was done in 'public'. The workers will remember our faces. Shit!

The drive is so so so painful. Time seemed to draw, it felt like 6 had 6:01ai, 6:01aii down to 6:01bi then c..yada yada yada.

But finally, the drive came to an end, as Cole pulled up out front of my house, normally he'd kill the engine to talk to me, but well, he didn't. He let the engine keep roaring, hands still on the steering wheel and face front, clear signal that all I had to do was step out and he was off!

I didn't want him to go home feeling like this, but I didn't want it to also worsen. So after a short stare and my heart making drum roll beats, I got out and closed the door.

Just then though Emily yelled from the door "Hey Cole! See you brought Maddie in normal condition" a wink followed.

I was too sad to smile, my gaze left Emily as it landed on Cole, a sweet smile on his face, no sign of anger "Emily you've got a perverted mind".

" Says the person who understood me" A grin on her face.

A chuckle from Cole then "Goodnight Emily".

" Goodnight" She added a wave, and our eyes followed his car as he drove off.

I just wish I didn't mess up at the beginning. Everything would have been fine.

"Are you okay, M?"

Emily's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as my gaze found hers.

"Yea" I started for the door.


I am so so sorry for wasting so much time! Actually I didn't know school has a lot in store for me. Campus live is exhausting. But I made it!! Happy to have another chapter added, more are on their way.

Please don't give up on me😥
Keep up the views, votes and comment. Thanks a lot guyssss😁😁

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