Chapter 22- Bold

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           Maddie River's P.O.V

I plopped on the seat of my car, as I got in and closed the door. Gripping the steering wheel I sniffed hard, forcing myself not to cry, its of no use, it won't do anything.

Except giving me a free ticket to 'Maddie head chop of death land'.

I don't have it in me to tell her, I can't do it. He really bites. Sharp-mouthed, snippy, all of it.

I'm sure, my leaving him for a week added to everything, I didn't come earlier because I was getting ready, and even after all of it, I'm still here, tears running down my eyes, in the same state I was avoiding.

Whats the fuss, I still expected it, but not what I got today.

And that's when I started getting angry. Reasons:

1. I'm angry at myself. You know if I had called Maddie, I would have been saved, wouldn't have gone on with this whole crap!(cursing again). I wouldn't have indirectly told Damon that I didn't love him....even if Maddie is meant to say it not me(I don't even care anymore). Its all because of me.

2. Luke! Total sweet mouth and mind twister, his words drowning and pulling me deeper into his water of lies. Approached me with patience and well cooked up stuffs. Cleaver, but so not going to like himself if I set eyes on him.

3. Damon. So foul mouthed. Yes! I know I did something really wrong and nasty, but we are dating! His meant to be a lot calmer, even if he should be furiously raged. Either way,  he's not supposed to talk to me like that, and he's not supposed to be so bitter mouthed. I made a mistake! We sit down and talk, not batter me with insults and break up, because there is no way I'm leaving this house without fixing this whole mess, and there is no way he's talking to me like that!

Loving my whim. I dried my tears, opened the door and got out of the car. Believe me I'm also furious, who cares if I'm wrong, I'm not a mistake..well Maddie, but he said those to me. I wish Jennifer was here, Damon won't be bad mouthed for a while, because truthfully, Damon is worse.

Taking the stairs two at a time, as I noticed Gerald watching me out of the corner of my eyes.

I held the door handle, pushing it open. Damon was resting his head on the sofa, he looked up quickly as I opened the door. Then I saw him frown.

Have you ever been angry to a point where you're not thinking anymore? Just doing? Yes, that's exactly how angry I am now, the anger was taking over my brain, making me a zombie to anger.

"What are you-" he started.

"Shut up!" I said as I walked back to the sofa and lowered to sit beside him, dropping my clutch bag on the floor and pulling his laptop away.

"Give it back" Damon said, trying to grab it from me.

"No" I dropped it on the floor close to my bag, careful not to drop it hard. Then I faced him. His expression fueled me. He squinted at me, obviously shaken.

"We need to talk". I started.

" Well I don't want to-". He started saying.

"I'm not asking for your opinion" I interrupted him, yelling. "I'm telling you, not asking. Idiot".

He squinted again, then relaxed into the sofa, yup, I'm sure he's pretty confused.

Then I continued, wasn't yelling or talking softly, just the right tone to make him listen. " Damon. I am not the worst thing that has happened in your life, I made a mistake, it happens. I only did that because I just thought maybe it'll be the end of all this problems" he was about to say something, but I lifted a finger between us and continued "Yes, I know what he's like, but all I've ever done is stand up for you, you've never told me anything about that document, maybe if you did, I wouldn't have tried giving it to him".

Wait. Is that true? What if he's told Maddie before.

When he looked away and didn't try to argue I knew I had the upper hand, and I'm right. Thank God.

" I didn't know it was serious enough to affect your business" I said a lot calmer now "Its stupid of me, I know, but that was all I thought okay? I just didn't want that much trouble on you, even if I had to spy on you to find out where you keep it, I never intended for any of this to happen, I swear".

He still didn't look at me, and he was frowning, but he was listening because his expression softened just a little.

I wet my glossed lips "Remember the question you asked me that day?".

This caught his attention as he looked at me.

" I didn't reply because I thought it'll only feel like I was just saying it to pull out of the situation at hand" I shrugged "I don't get how my mind work these days" I stopped to take in the sight of his face, still with a frown, but made my heart melt, made me feel so drawn to him, a feeling I couldn't put a tag on.

"Damon" I proceeded "Yes, I love you, with all my heart, and I will never trade you for anything or anyone in the world, I can't let you leave me, because I'll be totally broken if that happens".

I saw his face soften, no trace of a frown, nothing, just expressionless, and I prefer that. " I can be stupid, useless, whatever, but I have you to put me in my place. I mean you fit me like a glove and you're like fuel to my emotions" he really is "You mean so much to me, it'll break me if I loose you" Maddie will be so proud of me.

I sat closer, sure this time that he wouldn't spit out any venom. "I'm so sorry, and I know it hurt, but I'm ready to win your trust back, because I'm not breaking it again ever. I promise".

We looked, and he tried to keep a straight face, I could see him struggle. Then finally he said smirking " First of all what you did back there" using his thumb to point to the door without looking back "was hot, I've seen you do that before, but this is so much better".

I giggled, blushing at his comment and the way my heart went into a speedy race at his smirk.

"Second, you're blowing my top with your outfit" he took my hand and pulled me up, making me kneel on the sofa, then straddle him, as his hands circled my waist, making him look up at me, while I looked down. "Do you know how hard it was to not compliment you even when I was seriously raged".

Another giggle " I would have preferred that".

"Normally when I insult you, you fire back, even if you're wrong" he peered at me "but at least you came back, I was so scared when you left, I just wanted you to yell at me like always and then we make up, but this is so much better".

I laughed, he was? He's so good at hiding emotions. "I can't leave you".

That gazing thing happened again and Damon asked "Do you love me?".

I didn't waste anytime "Yes, so much". My heart did that thing again, the flip stuff.

" I love you so much, a lot Maddie, I don't want you to leave me okay, just try and deal with me" he tucked a hair behind my ear his words slipping out, as he cooed "I don't know what package of charm you returned with, its so attractive". His eyes returned to mine after wandering my hair, my eyes never left his, beautiful grey eyes. My heart kicked into a gear, the emotions I'm feeling right now was so strong.

Then he placed a finger under my jaw, and reached up to kiss me, as I lowered my head to his, meeting his lips and matching his slow mind blowing pace, it felt like he caged my heart at the moment.

And we didn't care about who was watching, they can peek.


Wow! Daddie is a go! Its settled, I'm glad. If you liked the fix up then tap the star at the end of the chapter, you can also give feedbacks. I totally loved this!!😁😁😄😆. Thanks people.

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