Chapter 16-Break 💔

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Maddie River's P.O.V

I want the ground underneath me to open up and swallow me whole, I want to disappear, just puff into thin air, I want to escape the deadly anger I can see revolving around Damon, the bright glint in his eyes. I was stiff, the document in my hand beside me suddenly felt like it weighed more than it should.

When his eyes got fixed on the document, trepidation gripped me. Then he walked towards me, my heart beating loudly, so loud, so fast I felt I'd just pass out soon, which will be good for me in this situation.

He snatched the document from me, one glance and his brows furrowed so deeply, I knew I was in for it, I knew before, but I needed a miracle, India movie miracle. I mentally chided myself, what was I thinking, what would happen? Will he maybe click things and know something was off with me? Worse! Will he break up with me? Maddie'll kill me, she'll never forgive me, she'll be so furious she'll probably jump out the phone to murder me.

My mind was racing, fingers shaking, I'm so scared, scared of the outcome, scared of his reaction...scared of Damon.

His eyes snapped up to mine "What are you doing with it?" His voice was still gruff, but he was trying to keep it calm, except I knew that one wrong statement and the whole house would be aware of the case at hand.

I was shaking bad, I couldn't speak, felt like my voice was stuck in between my throat and my mouth.

"Maddie!" his voice gaining a pitch "Why are you with the document? Why did you take it? How did you know?".

Questions. I don't know how to answer them.

" I..I, I um" finding my voice, but stuttering.

"You what?!". An increased pitch.

" I just, I'm sorry". I ended up saying, feeling the tears building up.

His eyes widened, as he flung the document on the bed "You wanted to give it to Luke? That's why you where asking about it, showing interest, all for Luke?".

" Damon I-".

"Answer me!" There it was, the shout, the roar, the motivation to my letting my tears fall.

"Yes" I said, placing a hand over my mouth, to stop myself from sobbing, I feel like a terrible person.

He used his fingers to apply light pressure to his closed eyes, his voice coming back to normal "Why?".

I sniffed " Because he told me its for the charity fund and the business-".

"And you bought that?!" He was yelling again "What are you? Stupid?! Nuts?! Brainless?!" He walked to the door and back at me "How don't you understand that this is business, how don't you know how deceitful cunning Luke is? How can you believe him?!".

I played fast and loose, look where it got me.

He didn't end there, he picked up from where he left off " What has gotten into you? I thought you had brains? Thought you knew what was going on? But you don't! You're just some wannabe, gullible piece of shit!!".

That hurt, like a million blows and slaps, like a stab to my heart, or a continuous stab to an open wound. It hurt. My tears seizing from the shock.

"Was this the reason you asked me to date you?" His voice reducing to a broken somebody. "Pretending to support me, having my back?" He looked me right in the eye, all the rage and anger being replaced with disappointment. "All for Luke? To help him in the end?".

No! This was turning out worse than I anticipated, he's going to break up with me! Break up with Maddie! I'm going to cause a lot of problems. Why I'm I so stupid? Why did I do it? Why didn't I think things through? Damon's business would have been dragged to nonsense, all because of me, because I didn't trust him, because of some guy.

The next question, is one I can't answer, not because I'm shocked speechless, but because its not meant for me.

" Do you even love me?".

My throat clenched, my heart squeezed, my head thinking to many things, but all wishing I can say something. We stared at each other, eyes searching, silent requests.

But I didn't say anything.

Finally Damon lowered his head, I saw his hand ball up to a tight fist beside him. I really had to say something, he'd think Maddie's been using him, he'll think its all a joke. Of course, Maddie loved him, but I'm not her, I cant bring myself to doing it, because it felt....wrong.

What would Maddie's reaction be when I tell her? Will she hate me? What of Maddeline? This is the exact same reason she brought me here, and instead of mending my ways, I'm making it worse.

"Go" Damon said, breaking the silence. He lifted his head, disgust in his eyes, face relaxed, and lips thinned.

I didn't move. Is this his way of telling me its over? That we seize to have a relationship?

I spoke now, of all times to speak, it had to be now "Damon, its not-".

"Get out" he yelled, interrupting me.

I watched him, waiting for him to look at me again, but he didn't, like my sight rubbed the wrong way, and I knew I had to let it go, I had to go home and think about everything, just leave him to calm down and wrap his head around everything.

With a little hesitation I walked out of the room, using the back of my palm to clean my almost dried tears.

I'm so stupid. Maddie's going to kill me, there is no excuse for what I've done, I didn't tell her, even though I sent a text.


But I didn't listen, right from the beginning I didn't think wisely, and now its cost me my relationship with Damon.

I couldn't brush of the fear I still felt, not only because I just did something wrong, but because I think Damon just ended things. For good.


I tried today, haven't been feeling well though, just hope this chapter is worth the wait. Thanks a lot. Love you all😆.

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