Chapter 23- Discuss

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           Maddie Greene's P.O.V

1 week later


"Baby" I said springing up from the couch just as Cole stepped into my house. Why I did that....I have no idea. Thing is though I've been shaking down to everything, and honestly it isn't so bad. Emily and I have been relating well, Mr and Mrs River's have been such darling parents, Jenny and Amby are totally great, then Cole..... Cole has been wonderful, easy going and light-headed, he made me feel so comfortable, he didn't tackle me all the time like Damon, and he adored me. There are lots of things I like about him, the way he talks, how smoothly he does his stuffs, his cute face, cute smile, but its no match for one thing. Patience. I love that about him....don't get me wrong though, I'm definitely not catching feelings.

So when he called and told me he's coming over I couldn't hide the joy I felt....which brings us to the couch and the squeal that came with the 'baby' as I walked towards him, my hands spread.

We wrapped in a hug, and taking me unaware he lifted me and twirled, I don't know why, but it made us laugh, its was fucking cute!!

"You're excited today" Cole said as he dropped me and took my hand in his.

I shrugged, smiling widely, so he noticed. "I'm just happy to see you, that's all, can't I be happy to see you?".

He chuckled, pecking me " You definitely should".

I found myself asking why he pecked me, but I brushed it off. Pulling him to the couch we plopped on it.

"So" I started "How have you been?"

"Great, missed you though" he said, smiling, that cute smile that I like very well.

"Me too, I wanted to come over yesterday". Yea, I've been to his house over the week, its not what I'm used to, normal sized houses,  but I didn't even feel it much. In fact it was relaxing.

" Why didn't you?" He said asked tucking my hair behind my ear. Cole had this thing for my hair, he liked touching it, and he passed a compliment whenever he could,  which was almost always.

"Oh, um, went for a stroll, snagged a ride from Dylan and then he just took me to sightsee, it was cool and I had fun". Also Dylan was all over me, there was this one time he leaned in so close, thank God for the group of people who ran past us, it was so awkward....and I didn't know how to react to that.

Cole stiffed for a brief second, then relaxed, all trace of amusement gone.

"Cole?" I called peering at him "Whats wrong?".

He sighed " I told you I don't want you close to him, I don't like what he's doing, and you seem to not pay attention to it".

He wasn't harsh or rude about what he said, he was rather hurt, and talked coolly about it. Why would Maddie's association with Dylan hurt Cole?

"But Cole, he just took me out, no biggie, he's not doing anything funny" I replied, trying to get a response.

"Really?" Cole said squinting at me "I see it in his eyes, even Jen and Amber sees it, the way he looks at you, talks to you, even in my presence, and you let him" he paused "I've been trying to stop you but even after you agree to stop, you go back and do worse than that".

So that's why Dylan is so close, and flirty and honey mouthed...I kind of read that, but I didn't want to believe that Maddie was tooo stupid! But what was I expecting after her recent escapade.

I placed my hand on Cole's arm, not breaking eye contact " I'm so sorry, I know I've been promising to stop and I go back to it...but this time its final. Trust me, I'm not going back to it. I promise".

Cole smiled "You promise?".

I nodded " I promise".

Pulling out of the air the conversation brought,  he asked "So you guys didn't have anything??".

" We did" I said grinning as I curled up on the couch "we had sea food".

He scrunched up his face, causing me to laugh " Sea food?".

"Yea" I said with a shrug "They're delicious. I was shocked he liked them too".

When he still looked like that I knew he didn't like them and probably needed to taste them, sea foods are so rich!

I proceeded to give details " Okay, so I had lobsters, crab, you should try black pepper crab,  shrimp, marinated swordfish and Dylan had same, except for jellied eels, I really don't like them either and clam chowder, I was too full to have that, but it was fantastic, that restaurant knows what they're cooking".

Cole watched me, he had this 'what the fuck' look on his face.

"Baby trust me, you'll love it. You know what I'm going to treat you to sea food tomorrow or next or Saturday, there are different types of lobsters, crab, shrimp and all, and you'll pick your love that day". I said grinning.

He shook his head quickly " Nah I don't want that".

"Come on" I said chuckling "You'll find the one fit for you".

He watched me for a while, then said " Sea food, really, you like sea food".

Was more of a shocked statement, but I answered anyway "Yea. When you taste it, you'll love it".

" Is there any other thing you love or any other thing about you that I'm just going to know about?" He said that with amusement, I could see the smile on his lips, but it affected me differently. Making me get stiff as I watched him closely.

"Why'd you ask that?".

He seemed taken aback by the question and the way I asked, but he still joked " Chill baby, it was just a question " he chuckled "Its just shocking to know that you're into sea food, its never been like that".

Ohhh. Well, shouldn't have been on edge. I laughed casually, trying to relax " I know, a lot of things can happen in a short while, but this is a good thing".

He could never guess me different, was a bit scared that he was on a lead, maybe he had a clue and he was on to me...I just hope that's not the way it is and he's not a detective kind of person, if not I'll have to be watching my every move.

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