Chapter 17- Video chat

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           Maddie River's P.O.V

I shut the door to my room behind me, leaned my back against it and started sliding down slowly to a squat. Damon just broke up with me....right? I mean he thinks I...Maddie, was using him, and its all my fault. If I was back at home with Cole and Jenny and Amber maybe this wouldn't have happened...right?

You're just some wannabe, gullible piece of shit.

Damon's words came back to me with full force, hitting me hard, willing my tears to come back, and they did. Do I have a disease? Illness? Infection? Phobia? Why am I easily convinced?

Sobbing silently, I wrapped my hands around myself, and looked at the celling. Good thing Steph and Rose were gone by the time I got back, I really wasn't in the mood for scrutinizing glares or continuous questions or multiple voices.

I wish I could go back in time, just stop myself from what I did.

I stayed there for like 5 minutes or so, trying to compose myself, trying to stop my tears.

When they finally subsided I pulled out my phone from the clutch bag, turned it on, flicking through to get Maddie's number.

Once I dialed, I brought the phone to my ear, sniffing and waiting.

She answered on the 4th ring, and her voice came out quickly.

"Did you blow your top?".

I would have laughed, but this wasn't the time. I don't even know why I called, just found myself reaching for my phone.

She spoke again when I didn't answer " Talk to me!" Her voice gaining a pitch, then reducing when she said "Did he find out?".

I sighed "No. He didn't".

"Then-" she paused "Do you have a laptop?".

I nodded " Yea, its in the bedside dresser, the second one".

"Good, mine is in the table dresser, should be charged, told Carrie to always charge it while I'm out. Yours?".

" It has to be, Em's a sucker for charging my laptop, she should" Emily, I missed her so bad, missed our hugs, laughs, quarrels.

She scoffed "Maybe".

I quirked a brow " What?".

"Never mind, we're going to video chat, I'm tired of using the phone, so I'll just get you on Skype, and we'll discuss" she didn't wait for my agreement or disagreement or addition or conclusion, she just hung up.

Lowering the phone from my ear I let out a long breath, if only she knows what happened.

Some minutes later found me ogling at the screen of the laptop. I was ogling at Maddie, she looked like me! Yes I knew that, but I'm seeing it now. This isn't a joke, how can we be two! So identical.

I blinked "My gosh" it came out in a whisper "you look just like me".

Maddie rolled her eyes, she too had been shocked, hers just died quickly " the classy, more beautiful version of you".

Honestly, she's right, her hair gave her this seductress look, with the little touch up on her face. True to myself, I envied how good she looked, the very beautiful version of me. Silently I wished I could look like her. She didn't have heavy makeup on, it was light and simple and attractive. Maybe I should try this.

I smiled "I'm not going to argue".

Her eyes scanned the room from the screen, and a nod of approval followed " Not bad, at least my room isn't in a snaggle".

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