Chapter 26- Mariscos(sea food)🍲

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Hi guys. So happy to finally be back after a long time,  and I'm so sorry for that. I'm back in school, so I won't be frequent, but I'll update as soon as I can. In this chapter I'll be adding pictures, for better experience, so if you feel like loading them, do so. Thanks for your patience, love, support and time, you won't regret. 😘😘

           Cole Peterson P.O.V

"I want you to explore" Maddie said, her hand still in mine, and an award winner smile on her face.

I chuckled "You'll never get too excited about sea food".

" Mariscos" she said giggling "I'm so addicted, I think its something I can survive on my entire life".

A waitress stopped at our table immediately, a welcoming smile on her face too. Something the whole restaurants and other organised services in the world has learnt and mastered. 

The thing about her though that drew my attention is...she's black. I'm not racist, I don't mind, but what brings her here, in the midst of all this.....confusion.

" Good afternoon". She said with her eyes addressing us.

I felt Maddie squeeze my hand then let go, and yea, Maddie isn't racist too, I could never stand a racist in my life, that's why I don't relate with one of my co-worker so well.

"Afternoon" Maddie replied, her attention on the girl.

She stretched out a menu to Maddie then me, but I declined, having no idea what was written inside, should be all Spanish trash or dishes I have no idea about.

But the waitress wouldn't have it, with that practised smile accompanied with an assuring nod she stretched it out to me again. I glanced at Maddie who was smiling at me before taking the menu. At least, it won't bite.  

"There's a pen inside, tick away, I'll be back for your orders" the waitress said, then walked away.

I waited till she was at the other side, attending to a table before leaning in to Maddie "She's black".

Maddie squinted " Yea" an arched brow then "Are you racist?".

" What?" I leaned back into my chair, partially hurt and shocked by the question "No. You know I'm not".

She shrugged " Seemed like you were having second thought".

"Come on" leaning back towards her I let out a breath, my eyes landing on the waitress "I'm just thinking... hope they're not making her know..racist stuff".

Maddie's chuckling drew my attention " Cole, stop watching too much detective movies and stop thinking deeply about this whole" she air quoted "'racist' stuff. Okay?" A brief stare between us then she said "Now back to our menu, I'll tick, you can just follow up with your menu".

Right. I opened the menu, and as expected I could see names of dishes I had no idea about. Abalone, Langoustine, Scallops....okay, Lobster salad..I think that means they use lobster to make salad?

" You're not going to like lobster bisque or creamy lobster risotto, you'll barf when you see Abalone, I hate it too" and as I watched her she ticked away, concentration on the menu. Then she made a face "I hate lobster hash, the egg's sunny side up".

Okay... What?

"But you love your eggs sunny side up Maddie".

She gazed up at me, then added quickly " Well, I tried scrambled, and it works for me" a forced grin, then concentration on the menu.

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