Chapter 2-Cope😫

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The picture at the top is a picture of Maddie Rivers, she's the average one...just to give the difference.
           Maddie Rivers P.O.V
I didn't expect her to sound so harsh, I mean, we were both in uncomfortable positions, but again, it wasn't in my nature to flare up anyhow.
I rose from the bed, at least, my way home "I'm Maddie".
She cut in "No I'm Maddie".
I quirked a brow " I'm not doubting that, your parents have been so welcoming".
"Same. But I don't give a shit!". Maddie spat.
It hurt, for the love of God,  its my family she's talking about.
She continued " How did you get my stuffs?".
I was already getting upset "I don't know, maybe the same way you got mine!".
She gasped over the phone " Are you calling me a thief?! I'm not a thief".
I scoffed "Well neither am I, no one is".
" Even if I wanted to steal, which I wouldn't,  because as we both know,  I'm filthy rich. I wouldn't go for such low class cloths and such a simple phone!".
Who the hell does she think she is? Okay, yeah, Maddie, the rich, upsetting, bad mouthed namsie, totally the opposite of me.
I spat back "Well look who's talking, your clothes probably make you look like a tied up barbie, how do you even move in them, can you even breathe?! And your phone, don't you think its too much glitter?".
Another dramatic gasp " And yours is better? Yellow! Really?"
"Pink! C'mon, what are you? Fairytale princess?"
"Your room makes me feel little, its so dead, even for a kid!"
"Your room is too much of alive, even for a kid, they'll probably think its a toy house. I don't even know how I'm surviving in it".
There was silence....I felt so immature, but well she pushed the button.
I sighed " Look, its of no use acting like kids, we just need to figure a way back".
Maddie still had her sass in her voice, but at least she agreed "Yea, we should. Why don't you have a lock for your phone?"
"Its my phone Maddie. I don't need it. On the other hand, you need to give me the password to yours".
" Why?"
"Just in case I need to call you, I need to be out of here, by tomorrow, and you here".
" Oh. Daddie".
I rose a brow "What?"
She let out a loud sigh, she really has patience issues "Daddie. D-A-D-D-I-E. Got it?".
I gave a nod " Yea. Why Daddie?"
"Its none of your business!" And short-tempered.
I rose my free hand in surrender "Sorry for that. How is everyone? Especially Emily?".
" I really don't care. I just want to go home ".
" I understand. Same here, just try coping for this night, by tomorrow.....wait, do you have a car?".
"Obvi" I heard that snicker in her voice "Its the red one"
I squinted "Red? How could you have something that isn't pink?" I muttered "I bet your tissue paper is pink too".
" Excuse me?" Maddie said.
"Nothing" I said quickly "Where do you keep the keys?".
" In the drawer".
I examined the room, as expected, its complicated "Maddie you have a mirror drawer, a table drawer, shelve drawers, bedside drawer. What drawer do you mean?".
" The mirror drawer".
"You can try keeping it in your bedside drawer,its closer".
She scoffed " Says the girl who doesn't use her mirror".
I was adapting to her bad mouthed, short-tempered style, so I wasn't hungry to hit back "I'm going to drive over to my house tomorrow once the coast is clear, I'll call you when I get there and wait for you to come out when you're sure no one is watching, then you get into your car....."
She cut in, with joy " and be free of this torture! Delete you! Forget you ever existed. Well you have brains, hurtful to say but you do".
Maddie says the meanest things, it didn't hurt anyway, it was just insulting. "Just please, cope, especially with Emily, we are really tight, try. I know you don't have a sibling at it might be hard...."
"Don't go there" She said sounding rather angry "You don't need to show off".
Coming from the queen of show, but I didn't mean it that way " I'm sorry, that wasn't my intention".
She sighed "Whatever" she gasped again "What I'm I going to do about my under wears?"
I shrugged "Well, I have some new sets of undies in my bedroom drawer, they're not so fancy though".
Maddie groaned, then hung up.
I glanced at the phone then tossed it on the bed. Just for a night, tomorrow, she's out.

                    M.G's P.O.V
It was dark already, everywhere was quiet, something I hate, but every time I remember that those people out there aren't my family, I relax in the silence...of all things to happen - this!
" You don't need to isolate yourself"
I jump off the bed and look behind me, to see whomever just spoke to me, last I remember, I was alone and I locked the door.
I could not believe my eyes at whom I saw, she looked exactly like me, only that her hair was fair blonde, she was sitting on the chair close to the window...I had to be seeing things
"Who are you? How'd you get in here?"
She had a small smile playing on her lips, she got up from the chair in a very excited manner "I'm Maddieline" she started making towards me.
I picked the first thing I could reach from the bag. I groaned mentally, really Maddie? Flats? Really?
She took another step
I held out the shoe "Don't you dare take another step"
She did, and I flung the shoe at her, but she was gone.
"You should really calm down" I heard from behind me, I let out a little scream as I jumped on the bed and made for the other side. What the fuck!
"Who the hell are you?!" I almost yelled.
She shrugged innocently "I just told you, I'm Maddieline".
If not the way I was fully alert, I would given into the laugh that was slowly rising from my throat.
Rather I rolled my eyes "Yea right, does this seem like a sick joke to you?, all this some circus trick?".
She shook her head "Listen Maddie, I'm just here to make things easy for you to digest".
I watched her, waiting for her to say something.
"You can never leave this house, until both of you are able to learn to adjust the aspects of your life that'll lead you to your death. Get used to your new life here, both of you should learn to rely on each other for support".
This was a trance, all I have to do is snap out of this, and she'll be gone.
She chipped in " You have lessons to learn. You, Maddie Greene, are too rude, snappy, short-tempered, close to your riches, and lacks patience. Maddie Rivers on the other hand is gullible, too soft, too trusting, too unkept" she sighed "both of you are too much of something, and you need to fix that. Who knows the future?" She giggled "Oh, yeah, me".
Why! Such nerves! She would never do such, right?.
I shook my head in disbelieve "You're kidding right?"
She tilted her head "Too bad I'm not. Now, once I leave you'll go into a peaceful sleep"
She turned around and headed straight for the wall, I could remember her vanish, before my eyes closed shut.


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