Chapter 21- Winning over

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           Maddie River's P.O.V

I got out of the car and shut the door, drawing their attention to me as my eyes made contact with Damon's, just a very brief contact, because he looked and I could see that he didn't want me here.

"Maddie" Mrs Knight said with a smile, I guess she's Damon's mom, she had to be.

I walked over to her as she spread her arm and I went in for a hug, feeling a bit tensed and uncomfortable. In fact I've been feeling jitters right from the moment I decided to come here, but I didn't expect his parents to be here. Good gracious!

"How are you?" I asked putting on the sweetest smile I could afford as I pulled away.

"Very well" she replied patting my cheek. Okay.

Damon didn't look at me.

I turned to Mr Knight "Morning Sir".

" Morning dear" He replied with a grin.

I nearly jumped when he replied, his voice is so deep, I didn't expect that.

Mrs Knight patted my arm "We're off for a mini party, keep Damon busy".

I glanced at Damon in time to see him roll his eyes. This is going to be hard.

" I will" I said with that smile still on my face.

She walked over to Damon, patted his cheek and she and Mr Knight started making for the black car.

At first, both Damon and I were watching them, but my eyes drifted to him. Looking so hot in an ash T-shirt and black long joggers, his hair kind of messed up, he didn't look ready to go anywhere, but he was just good enough to draw attention to himself. Or was it just me? Honestly though, Damon looked so hot.

My attention snapped back to the car as Mrs Knight said loudly "Don't get carried away".

And then we waved at each other, as the car drove out the compound.

Damon immediately turned around and strode to the door.

" Damon" I called after him as I followed him, jogging halfway then walking. He had wide steps.

Even after the jogging to try and catch up with him, he got to the door, opened it and walked in. At least he didn't bang the door shut to my face.

I walked into his house, so big and beautiful,  Maddie's house could not beat this. This is a kingdom.

My eyes following Damon as he sat on the sofa, picked his laptop from the place on the sofa beside him and placed it on his thighs, typing away. Okay, and right now the Prince of this Kingdom hates me.

Lord help me. I know I'm really wrong. I betrayed him. I broke his trust. It'll be so hard, because I won't like it, I've been there.

Slowly I padded to the sofa where he sat, feeling my heart beating now. I reluctantly lowered to a sit beside him, keeping a little distance. Truth be told, I'm scared, what if his outburst results in a mistake that involves physical violence.

"Da...Damon" I started saying with a stutter. He didn't look up, just kept typing, his brows deeply furrowed, his jaws clenched. I'm so scared, I know the level of crime I've committed, breaking trust. Betrayal.

"Um" I started fidgeting "How are you?".

What?! What am I doing? Why am I asking that? That's just stupid.

You're just frightened.

Yes!  I am.

And you're a backstabber, slimy betrayer. He'll never talk to you!!

I cant let that happen, and I'm not a backstabber, it was dumb mistake.

"Damon please talk to me" my voice sounded pleading.


"Damon" On instincts my hand reached out to touch his.

He didn't let my hand get there, halfway he stopped typing and went stiff, then said in a voice so cold and filled with void, so much disgust, hatred and irritation "Don't you dare touch me with that disgusting betraying hand, the same hand that stole a very vital document, don't even think about it!".

I recoiled, physically affected by his choice of words and tone. Just sat there, losing hope already, wishing I could just be back home with my family and best friends and Cole.

Cole has never spoken to me like this, Damon is so bitter, I know I caused it, but his words hurt a lot, made me feel useless and bullied. Yes, bullied.

For a good 5 minutes or more I sat there, the only noise was Damon typing away. I'm sure the house workers must have gotten frightened, I'm sure I heard noises from the kitchen before.

Should I go? Do I stay? I should go.

Maddie will behead you, and dissolve your corpse with acid, no one will know how you died and your body will be forever gone.

On second thought, I can stay here and keep giving it a shot. I should stop being cynical and hope for a better result.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply, I tried again. Act one, scene two, take two.

"Damon". I started again, noticing how  meticulous I am to him. " I'm sorry- I didn't mean to do that- and I shouldn't have left this for a week, I-". I stopped. He was just typing, not reacting, not paying attention, just sending me to Coventry.

Shocking thing is, I wasn't getting angry, even a little. I only felt emotionally broken, like I would cry any moment, and I'm only doing that behind closed doors.

He still looked so handsome even with that frown, and the way I'm feeling now, the hurt, the longing for him to listen to me, pay attention, look at me, and actually talk to me, isn't because of Maddie, it's something I want. Not that I'm catching feelings, it cant be. I guess I just want everything settled.

"Damon please,  just listen-".

"Shut the fuck up!" He didn't yell, but like I said, he's irritated. Like I'm a pest. He still didn't look at me. "What are you even doing here?".

" I want to apologise for-".

"That isn't a question brainless!" He looked at me now, the look in his eyes made my blood run cold "Its rhetorical!".

There was a stare down and I just wish he'd cool off a little.

" Damon". I said, shocked and surprised and slapped.

"Don't call my name, I don't want to hear you call my name again" he wasn't yelling, it was just the tone, gruff and mixed with a lot of unhealthy emotions "Its so disturbing and uncomfortable, like fly in my ear!!" This time he yelled.

If anyone could see my face, I'm sure they'll know how dumbfounded I am right now.

"You disgust me" he continued "and I don't want to see your face, ever. Do you understand? And don't worry, you don't need to answer the question because its rhetorical. Idiot!". He looked away, burying his face in his palms.

Shocked is an understatement to how I feel right now. It felt like when someone you trusted so much turns out to be the person behind your misfortune. The feeling of betrayal. My eyes were on him, I could see him, but it was getting blurry, as I felt my eyes start to water.

Then he shattered me with the last line " You're the worst thing that has happened to me" he looked back at me "Get out".

My tears fell then, not that I was sobbing, my tears just fell. I picked up my clutch bag as I rose, my brain on shut down as I walked out of the house. I have never been this insulted. Also, I have never been this hurt. Honest.


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