Chapter 9- Apology🙇

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Maddie Greene's P.O.V
I was now at the farm. Somehow, Mrs Rivers had managed to come talk to me, and although I was rude, she was still easy. Not only that, she gave me a touch of advice, its not like my Dad and Mum never advised me, its just the gap they gave was too large, due to business, and it got me here.
Emily was with Mr Rivers in the barn, I'm with Mrs Rivers in the farm, and trust me, it was not a nice feeling doing this.
We were harvesting potatoes, and Mrs Rivers told me to use my bare hands, that it was normal, and I never bothered about it before.
Again, not happening, to harvest these potatoes I had to dig them out the ground, with hands, but I was only going to use gloved hands, I've been tortured enough. First, my vanilla scent, now, my manicured hands? No way.
I pulled another potato and dropped it in the basin Mrs Rivers had brought outside, I rose to a stand as I tossed the potato in the basin and stretched.
I hate being dirty, it itched and I was reaching my limit.
"You okay honey?" Mrs Rivers asked when I stood for about 5 minutes without getting back to the potatoes.
I gave a brief nod, I nearly combed my hand through my hair, nearly.
I dropped my hand to my side, and groaned in frustration "Mum I need to go shopping".
Mrs Rivers rose to a stand too, a potato in her hand, and her brows creased "For what?".
I rolled my eyes "Clothes, obvi. These-" I tugged at the shirt I was wearing "are just too old and itchy".
She stared at me for a good time, before breaking into a broad smile " Of course you can go shopping" she placed a hand to her chest and let out a very much relived sigh "thank goodness, you've decided to get rid of these".
I smiled, it was the way she said it I guess, with a bit of drama.
"So when do you want to go shopping?".
I shrugged "I guess today".
She gave a nod " You'll be alright going with Jennifer and Amber right?".
Oh yea, them. I totally forgot. I'm not sure I want people I don't know perching around me, then again I don't know my way around here, so I'd better just go with them. In this case I really wished I didn't have my volition, all I wanted was for Mrs Rivers to tell me that she'd be going with me. However, she had work to attend to, and its normal to hang out with besties.
I gave a nod "Yea, I will".
She tossed her own potato into the basin "I guess this is all of them, we really did well with potatoes this year than the last" that smile still on her face.
I returned a thinned smile.
"Ready to lift it? Its pretty heavy". She asked eyeing the potato, the smile gone, now replaced with a scowl.
"All done" Mr Rivers said, as he approached with Emily, I didn't hear sounds of footsteps and all, so I had no idea when they got to us.
I glanced at Emily, my anger settling back in, we were still at loggerheads with each other, and I wasn't planning on saying anything.
Mrs Rivers grinned up at Mr Rivers "Did they make much of a mess?".
He shock his head " Nothing I haven't dealt with before, but no, they didn't make much of a mess".
She gave a nod "Good honey, can you help me with the basin? Maddie needs to go prepare for shopping".
He chuckled " Its about time".
I made a puff sound, then shrugged. "I probably didn't have these clothes for long, you're just making it feel that way".
Emily wasn't paying much attention, she was just looking around, the anger just kept increasing, burning and fueling.
"You've had them four years" Mrs Rivers started saying.
Four years?!!
"Without change" she added.
Without change?!!!!
She shrugged "You're just lucky they're quality".
Oh! My! Gosh! What did I get into, no wonder they itched so bad.
"I need to go shopping. Asap." I said pulling the glove off.
I was making to turn, I heard Mrs Rivers call my name, but I was in a hurry, just as I made a turn, I gasped as I almost bumped into Cole.
He was right under my nose, with that charming smile, and glistering hair, and green eyes, I never noticed his eyes before. But right now, I was upset, plus he was just in my way! So irk-some and loyal and not my piece of shit! Was it possible to do away with him?
"Good morning babe, I-"
"-Not in the mood" I said cutting him short with my hand risen slightly and my palm facing him. I let out a frustrated breath and walked past him.
I wasn't thinking about my reaction until I got to my bedroom and locked the door. I stood there for sometime, thinking. My heart pricked, and I started feeling guilty. I shouldn't have spoken to Cole like that, I mean he didn't do anything wrong, he's just happy to have me back - well Maddie, but I wasn't acting right.
I walked over to the chair by the window, not minding that I was dirty and plopped on it.
Back at home I don't feel guilty, and I guess its because, there's no one to correct me or tell me what I'm doing wrong, its either ignored or done back or praised, increasing my urge to do more.
But now with a sister I never had, but always wanted ready to give me back my shit, a Dad and Mom willing to sit me down, and a boyfriend ready to support. I should try calming down. The exhausting part was knowing how hard it would be. Still, I had to try.
With that sudden whim, I jumped out of the chair, unlocked the door, and made downstairs.
Emily was seeing Cole off, and from what I could make out she seemed to be comforting him.
"Cole". I said after finding it in me to say something.
They both looked at me, but Emily gave Cole a pat on the arm before going to sit on the couch...right now, she wasn't my problem.
Taking long pads I approached him, feeling so belittled as he watched me without expression. But he probably wasn't good at hiding his feelings or he was just too hurt to hide it, because I read the subtle clues to the emotion he was trying to lock in. There was a grim cast to his green eyes that echoed his dismay, and it caused me to feel pain.
When I was right in front of him, I sighed, then I said "I'm so sorry Cole" pausing and taking in his expression before I continued "I wasn't feeling like myself today. I've been bursting ever since I got up-".
"- Thought we agreed to try not to shift it, and even if, this is the first time you've reacted like this" Cole interrupted me, his voice raspy, it felt like it brushed smoothly against me, like soft silk against skin. So soft.
"I'm so sorry" I really mean in, and I really hope he doesn't snap at me or make it a big deal or send me to Coventry like Damon always does, I'd just react to, and it'll end horribly.
He lowered his head for a second, trying to keep his head. I waited, mentally praying and pep talking myself.
He looked at me then smiled, just a small one that didn't reach his eyes "Its cool".
"Sure?" No, it wasn't.
"Yea, was on my way to get something, just wanted to stop by and.....".
He was hurt, and I can see it, he was just torn by my reaction and my apology and it shook him to his feet.
I spread my arms slightly beside me "Can a hug make up?". I topped my question with a sheepish grin.
Cole arched a brow, amusement tugging at his lips, before finally breaking into a heartfelt laugh as he came in for a hug.
It felt so comfortable and relaxing and a bit of awkward, from my side. But I was laughing too.
"Just so you know, I haven't showered". I said with a grin, even if he couldn't see me, we were locked in a comfy hug.
He chuckled, I felt the ripple of his chest, and it made me grin more " I know baby, I'm okay".
I'm okay too. Hope I do better next time.
I'm trying to get pictures for Damon and Cole, its so hard😥. Anyway. Enjoy!!

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