Chapter 11- Bree 💇

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         Maddie River's P.O.V

"I just hate low heels, I feel short in them" Rose said from beside me.

Gosh! The fashion was frustrating, but I'm not minding much, its not like I have a choice. Rose, Steph and I were out for a stroll, they were beside me, which means I'm like the head of this triangle?? Never mind.

"Also, I don't like my hair short you know, Greg wouldn't approve of it" she added.

Rose's a chatterbox, its confirmed now, she's loquacious and never runs out of what to say, even if it means going around one subject in a circle, as long as she's talking, she's good.

Also I guess Greg is her boyfriend.

Stephanie let out a breath from beside me "Rose, you're really not meant to talk about that now".

Wow! Steph's also tired??

"You should talk about the party!" She said with a squeal.

No, no. Wrong as always.

"Maddie you're not saying anything" Rose said, pulling me out of my quiet thought.

I glanced at her "Well I'm enjoying that you guys are talking about it" Its killing my ears.

"Still, you have to say something" she added with a helpless shrug.

"Okay" I'm going to flop! How do they talk about dresses and stuff? Was there a twist? Was it normal?  "How do you guys want us to light up that party?".

Rose spoke " You want us to decide?".

She sounded like she was hearing things and all, but they should choose, better them than me, they'll be looking like chicken poop left to me.

"Yea" I said with a little shrug "the floor is open".

"Okay" Rose said in a singing manner that caused a small smile to tug at my lips. "What if we go for gowns, long, with glitters".

" No Rose" Stephanie said immediately "no glitter".

" Why are you always against my idea, I always bring it up and you say no" Rose said frowning a little.

I have to agree with Steph, no glitter.

Steph sighed "Rose, glitters aren't bad, but, they could be too shinny".

" But we want to light up the room?".

"Yes" Steph agreed with a scowl on her face "Not burn peoples eyes".

The tension was starting to build, under impulse I intruded their argument " Its okay, we can always reach a conclusion" I looked at Rose, she made a pouty mouth and puffed her cheeks, her arms were crossed tightly above her stomach, and she was nearly stomping. Visibly angry.

"Its okay Rose, we can always go for your ideas, its just Steph is right" placing a hand on her shoulder "glitter is not going to get you any flirts up-close, you'll be too shinny".

She glanced at me, but said nothing.

"Come on Rose" I said nudging her "I'm sure you have other ideas".

She let out a puffed breath " Well yea".

"Then lets hear it" smiling a little "please?".

Rose looked at me smiling, before rolling her eyes and saying " Oh, alright".

It caused me to grin.

"I don't even know why you're paying much attention to her, you should have let her get upset, she'll come around" Steph said, with a quirked brow.

"Cool it guys" I spoke up, looking from Steph to Rose "you don't need to have issues cause of picking dresses". Jennifer and Amber hardly had issues, I don't know, we just got ourselves so well.

"Steph's mean" Rose started saying.

"Well you talk too much!" Steph responded sharply.

A dramatic gasp from Rose, and they were bickering at each other.

As for me, I had gone into my quiet thoughts again, that's like my solace, and its been really relieving.

My eyes roamed the streets, their noise dissolving away, leaving me to my zone. My eyes landed on two girls walking towards our direction, well, they could be anybody. My eyes got stuck on the girl at the right because of the way she walked, like the whole world was on her shoulder, and she had this cocky smile on her face. Her friend though seemed to think she's barbie, and I had to arc a brow at her very annoying walking step.

We were still approaching each other, I expected her to cut a corner or something, but she was walking right at me...or am I just thinking so?

"Here comes Bree" Steph said, I could hear the distaste in her voice, I glanced at her just in time to see her move away from me a little, giving enough space between us. Wait......they knew the girl?

I tried shifting a bit so that the girl...Bree and I, wouldn't clash shoulders, but she just had to do it. Next thing I felt as she walked past me, was she shoving her shoulder hardly against mine. It hurt like hell, and I'm sure she did it on purpose, but why?

I turned to look at her, placing a hand to my shoulder and applying a little pressure, Steph and Rose turned too, and we met her watching us.

"Oh" She started feigning innocence, but a snicker in her voice "I'm sorry, didn't see you there".

"Yea right" Rose said, squinting hard at her "You're just being a bitch that you are".

What was going on? Who is this Bree? Why do they spite each other so much. Plus its just a brush, a hard brush, nothing I cant ignore.

Bree sniggered " Oh please, it wasn't on purpose, and besides, I apologized " she rounded up with a shrug.

"Bree Shaping" Steph spoke with that venom in her voice, outlined by the coldness in her eyes. "I wouldn't want to give you a reason not to show your face outside!". She smirked "Remember what happened the last time?".

I saw a brief shake in Bree's demeanour, but it was a flash, so fast, that if I wasn't watching her face from the very beginning I wouldn't have noticed it. But she covered it up with a smile, then looked directly at me " I'm sorry Maddie" she shrugged again, but with an 'I don't care'.

Well at least she said something "yea, its fine" I replied.

"What?!" Stephanie exploded from beside me.

"Maddie!" Rose added, the same anger in her voice.

Oops!! I didn't think this through. Gosh, what have I done?!

Bree smirked, then turned around with her friend and walked away, leaving me to my trouble. I should have gone along with the flow, at least from all I saw, they hated each other.

"Maddie, we need to know why you did that, have you forgotten what she did?" Rose yelled at me, stopped then added "I don't get you anymore, you've been behaving weirdly since you came back".

I swallowed, the way they were looking at me sent goosebumps down my spine. Was it going to blow up now? Maddeline!!! See what you've caused!

How would it go down now?


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