Chapter 5-Escape

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          Maddie Greene's P.O.V
To add to my already disturbed mind, Jennifer and Amber showed up later.
I knew who was who straight up after what Emily had said.
Jennifer had black her, it went all the way to her back, straight and really shiny.
Amber on the other hand was blonde, it stopped at her shoulder and looked soft. Well at least its good to know they take care of their hairs.
Now back to the present, I was in the stable...with horses, Oh Lord! This cant be happening to me. I can't and won't do anything about these horses or the farm, no freaking way.
"Won't you change out of that cloth? Go wear the one you normally use for chores" Emily said putting on a glove.
I rolled my eyes "No need, whats the difference between that cloth and what I'm putting on".
Emily smiled.
Jennifer put up her hair in ponytail, and Amber started wearing gloves, so did Cole.
Now about Cole, I don't know how I'll deal with one more kiss from him, after the peck he gave me while he held me, he's been kissing me nonstop. It was really sweet though, but I have a boyfriend whom I really need to get back to, plus Cole wasn't my type. He was too sweet, Damon and I are like bombs....we just explode at each other, which is kind of exhausting and---
"Baby" I heard a voice. I blinked and found Cole standing in front of me. I was that lost?
"You've been staring. Won't you join us?".
"Ah, sure" I said, and he handed me a glove which I took. I was putting on the glove, thinking of how I was going to lose my heavenly scent, and how I hated doing chores.
Cole spoke from beside me "There's this amazing vanilla scent you got" he reached his nose towards my neck.
I was listening, but I wasn't really minding it, but then, when his nose made contact with my neck, it tickled. I jumped a bit and giggled.
Cole watched me with a smile on his lips "What?".
Then I started to laugh "Sorry. Its just that it tickled".
He grinned "I never knew you had a tickle spot there. I'll have to do that more often".
At least that didn't get awkward.
"Both of you, so cute" Jennifer started saying "it brings joy to us" then she gestured to the stable "why don't you guys transfer it to this work, it'll help". 
Also, Jennifer was like the though one, and I'm only trying to be nice to Cole, didn't want to spoil the beauty of him meeting his girlfriend on her arrival, after today, I'm done.
Emily clapped once " Lets get cleaning, one horse to a person".
Take me now Lord! I'm tired of life, I will rip Maddie apart!!!
"You okay Maddie?" Amber asked squinting.
I nodded slowly "Yea, sure".
I started making for a horse at the end, I stood in front of the small door demarcating the horse from eyes washed over the horse, dirty animal! What kind of mess would I find, I was too scared to look. This was so humiliating. Maybe I could pretend to pass out and I wouldn't have to do this after all.
" Maddie?" Amber called out.
I looked at her, then said "Don't worry, I'm fine, just thinking". Concentrating on the horse, I heaved a breath. It was staring at me. Crazy horse!
I opened the door, and I swear I felt my heart thump. What! A! Fucking! Mess!!
           Maddie Rivers P.O.V
I couldn't sit through one more fashion trend. Gross. Who cares? I don't even care how I look, what does fashion have to do with me?
"Hope you're ready for the party we'll be going to. We got to go shopping, and we have to kill it like always".
" You guys just want to deal with her settling brain?". Damon asked from beside me. Damon is hot from what I've seen and how I felt when I first saw him, but he was arrogant, it was noticeable in the way he carried himself...good luck to Maddie, she really put up good with her type.
"Eaten something?" He asked me in a very calm voice, it was soothing and I love it. Just complimenting.
"Yea" I replied trying to sound calm too.
He grinned, that so amazing killer grin. When he wrapped his hand round my waist and pulled me into him I didn't resit.
I wonder what Cole is doing? I'm sure he's met Maddie, he's always the first to be at my front door when I'm back from anywhere.
Stephanie hummed "Yea, shove it in my face that my boyfriend isn't here".
I smiled, couldn't help it.
She continued, but with a different topic "Lets go take chocolate" she sighed with satisfaction "yum".
We all got up, Damon still holding me. I had to go now, this was the perfect time to escape.
" You guys go, want to check out something, be right back".
"Where?". Damon asked.
I looked at him, and noticed Rose and Steph walking away. His eyes, they were grey, gosh, he had so many good features, Maddie had excellent eyes.
"Outside. I'll be back" I was getting lost in those eyes, he's not mine, but I cant stop.
"Alright" he lowered his head to mine, placing his lips against mine again and kissing me slowly, at first I didn't respond, but then he was also very good at kissing, it felt as if he was sucking me in. I expected it to be short and fast, but it drew longer. My heart hammered in my chest. Wrong! Not right! Too fast! Stop! Was all that was flooding my mind, but when his hand started roaming my back, my mind disposed those thoughts and my body pressed into his. It felt so good, he was an expert at this, my hand snaked around his neck, and his free hand gently caressed my hip side. So good! Maddie really made a great pick, and she'll kill me for kissing Damon, but well, I had defence.
We pulled away sluggishly, I exhaled slowly and wet my lower lips.
There was silence, and it was awkward, I stared at his chest, yes I like his chest, but I was trying to avoid his eyes, and I knew he was watching me.
"Maddie?" Soft, calm, drawing voice. But I had to look at him.
He continued "We've never kissed like this before".
Why?! I mean, what would prevent Maddie from submitting to such a heavenly kiss.
Again he continued " I usually don't get such response from you".
I smirked "Things change" I don't know why, but I pecked him on the lips before turning and heading to the door, at least something to remember when I'm back home.
I opened the door, walked out and closed the door behind me. Where was the car? I forgot to ask and Maddie forgot to tell me.
I walked down the stairs and made for the right corner, I didn't walk for long before I saw it. Oh wow! Such a head turning convertible. I walked towards it, bringing the key out of my pocket. I clicked the open padlock on the face of the key, and got the blinking of the cars headlights in return.
I opened the door and got in, glorious scent, it had the scent of vanilla. I started the car, reversed and drove out of the compound. Freedom. I'm going home.
I drove for at least five minutes before I heard "Oh, so you both made a good escape plan".
I gasped and looked behind me, and there she was, dressed like she just came back from france - Maddeline.
Concentrating on the road I asked "What are you doing here?".
"Nothing. Just being the party crasher I am".
Party crasher?! "What does that mean?".
A soft giggle then "You'll see".
I looked at the rear-view mirror, and she was gone. Pheww. Thank God.
Not so long the car jerked to a stop. I got confused, because such a car couldn't have a problem, it looked like it hasn't been driven much or at all.
Then it jerked again, causing me to yelp, the steering wheel started moving, and the car too, it made a reverse, then a turn and was heading back the way I came. No! No! No!
I gripped the steering wheel and tried to stop it, but it wasn't working, I couldn't even move it, it moved on its own accord, like it had a mind of its own, like it was tampered by Maddeline. She was so annoying!
I tried and tried, when I caught sight of the house I tried to escape from, I relaxed and let the car drive, it parked right at the spot I took it from, this was bizarre. I'm really furious and mad and everything a person can feel in this situation.
I stayed put in the car for more than five minutes and tried to simmer down, then I got out and locked the car.
Just at the stairs the door was opened by Stephanie. She grinned "Come on and have your chocolate". I began climbing the stairs, all I wanted to do was scream. This cant be my life!
" You don't look happy Maddie. Whats wrong?" She moved to the side as I walked in. You have no idea.
Thanks to everyone reading this book. It means a lot to me, and I really hope you all comment and vote, its a motivation for me. Thanks a lot😆


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