Chapter 14- Guilt

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         Maddie River's P.O.V

"Mmmmm" Rose hummed in satisfaction and delight as she shoved in a spoon of buttery morsel into her mouth.

Steph smiled, it reached her eyes, the sides of her mouth crinkling. "Good right?".

Placing the spoon back on her plate, her eyes shut, she answered "So good".

Its a very delicious meal I must confess, never thought Steph could take out time to do this. Once I tasted it I knew I was a goner, the taste brought my senses to live. So damn good.

" Steph" I started saying in between my whining mouth "You have to cook this more often. Its that good".
I really mean it.

" Aww" Steph said grinning "Thanks". A shrug then " Its a celebration something for our future victory over Bree".

I paused my eating, then forcefully proceeded to cover up the loud thud I felt in my chest. Bree...I had to clear them up sooner or later, but that isn't why my heart gave that thud....I remembered Luke.

"Yea" Rose added, engrossed in her food but still able to comment on the topic...she's really cute though and funny, watching her eat with the expression on her face made my thoughts calm for a second.


Why am I helping him? He's Bree's brother. What if he was lying?? Just getting into my head? I should call Maddie.

No! He wouldn't lie. I've met Damon. Damon is capable of everything Luke said...He could be that bad....and Maddie can cover up for him, they're like birds of the same feather. I won't call her...but how can I go to Damon's house? I don't even know it.

"Long gone Maddie!"

I snapped out of my trance, my eyes taking in my surrounding. Rose and Steph were watching me. I blinked and looked down at my food. I didn't realise I'd stopped eating. So much for cover up.

"Were you even paying attention??" Rose asked with furrowed brows. 

I gave a thin smile "I'm sorry" they were still watching me, gosh, I'm just putting myself in their suspicious box, why do I always have to do awkward stuffs?

I just went with the flow "I'm just thinking about Damon. I miss him". Lies. I'm getting good at this. Well why not?! My life right now is a lie. Except I started having this longing to see Damon after saying that I miss him. Why?

Rose expression dissolved into a laugh " Wow, it got you bad. I was just asking if you've heard from him".

I shook my head "No".

"Um" Steph started saying "Twenty-first century" she rolled her eyes "Use your cell phone".

I smiled, Steph and her sass. " I'm aware, I just want to see person" cause I have some documents to take...and also because I suddenly have the urge to see his face again.

Steph paused mid-way from putting the last morsel into her mouth. Then said "Go to his house, you have a car, and you can drive. Why haven't you gone anyway?". Hurriedly she shoved her spoon in her mouth, like she didn't want me to interrupt her from enjoying her food, again.

I don't know his house. "He might be busy". I replied rushing up two spoons. Damn! So good.

"When did you start to care?" Rose said brushing her hands together as Steph got up taking her plate and Rose's, a silent note for me to hurry up.

"Yea" Steph put in quickly "You usually just go anyway".

Hm. Done.

I stretched the plate to her, mouthing a 'thank you'. A few more chews, then I replied " I don't want to do that anymore".

"Well" Steph said taking the plate "this calls for operation forcefully drag you all the way to his house".


" That's just mean Steph" I said as I chuckled. Totally what I need right now, someone to take me over to his place.

"That's just thoughtful" She turned around and made for the kitchen.

Having them around hasn't been wild and pathetic as I thought it would be, in fact, if anything its been calming, bickering and sweet.
I can never replace Jenny and Amber and also Cole.

Cole. I miss him so much. The hurt and longing I'm feeling right now is slowly becoming unbearable. I miss him badly.....and he was completely out of my reach.

"You're usually quiet now, what happened?" Rose asked.

I looked up at her, dropping my thoughts. Very true, I think a lot now.

Because I miss a lot of people back at home....or maybe I'm still folding my head around what is going on and what I'm about to do.

"And you're still quiet?? Where do you always go to? You zone out, a lot,  its bad" Rose said again.

"I'm so sorry...I can't help it". That's all?

Rose squeezed her face at me "You apologise a lot, for someone who finds it really hard".

Good Lord.

I smiled " I should start apologizing, its healthy for every relationship ".

Rose gave me a broad smile.

Steph walked back to our gathering in the living room, and at the same time the door to the living opened.

Our attention went to the door, and we watched as Damon walked in. Seems like the universe is out to reward me.

" Damon" Rose called with a squeal "So nice of you to show up, Maddie was just talking about how she really needed to see you".

He approached us slowly, his eyes on me and that beautiful, sexy smirk on his lips. " Really?".

"Yes really" Rose replied.

My eyes were on him even as he lowered to sit beside me.

"Hey" that smirk still there, taunting me.

I looked away this time, smiling stupidly, my insides turning to jelly.

"Hey" I said,  my eyes glued to the floor.

Damon chuckled, taking my hand in his. Lord! My heart is beating fast, so fast I felt it'll pop out of my chest and start beating in the open.

"What are you now? Shy?".

I didn't look at him.

" Maddie". He said laughing a little.

"Awww" Rose said with a purr "She's so in love".

They shared a laugh. I didn't see it funny, no body can understand how I'm feeling right now.

Then Damon said it, something that shattered my insides and made me feel anxious.

" Come on, lets go over to my place".

The documents. I'd have to take them. I feel so guilty....why?

Thanks for your patience. Don't forget to tap that star before moving on, and your opinion is needed.😃


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