Twenty-Three: Russian Roulette Part 2

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I drop immediately to the ground, cradling my mother's head as her eyes remain clued to mine.

"Oh calm down, it's only her leg." He says waving the gun and rolling his eyes.

'Why do you have my mom?" I ask, my bottom lip tembling and he sits across from us, crossing his legs in front of us. "Because she was trying to cover up her tracks. I couldn't allow that. This is rich information that I can use. Your mother in fact did kill Sarah due to jealousy..but there are things much deeper than all of this. But I refuse to tell because it involves me and that's not apart of this plan.' Zach says, shaking his head as his face turns up.

"But why kill us?" I begged. I needed to know, I couldn't live with this uncertainty.

''I'm not going to kill your mom. I need her alive. No one's going to believe a psychopath."

"But they believe you." I remind.

"But that's because they have no proof that I am one." He replies, pointing his finger out and wagging his finger.

I hear something unlock and turn around to see Sage and Aryiana emerge from the door.

"Oh shit." Sage gasps.

"Ah, an audience, just what this game needs." Zachary sings and Aryiana's eyes lock with mine.

"Okay Marley, it's time for this this to get more interesting. Now that we have your friends here; we can really play.

For one, I need you all to stand around me." Zachary explains.

My eyes urge for Sage and Aryiana to listen but they would be fools not too.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions and for every question you answer incorrectly. Someone gets a bullet."

"Don't bother, the police are on their way." Aryiana explains.

Zach slowly walks towards her, tilting his head slightly the left and then to the right, extending his hand to place it on her stomach.

"Oh the mother that carries my bastard child. How I can't wait to slaughter you." His words are left to linger in the air and he slowly turns back to me.

"Marley Winter. First question: I'm going to go easy on you too. Who is the father of the now- dead Sarah Evelyn's child?" He asks me.

Easy. Sad. But easy nonetheless.

"My father." I blurt and Zach's eyes widen.

"I'm highly surprised you discovered that one. I was prepared to shoot your mothers other leg."

"But why a game? Why not kill us all right here, right now?" I ask, trying to buy time.

"Because it's my game." Zachary shouts and we all tremble at his thunder like voice.

"Next Question: on the night of homecoming Sarah Evelyn said what to Ian?"

What kind of question was that? Which part?

"Too late." He says with a sigh and I hear another gunshot. I cover my ears and flinch as I hear another familiar scream.

"Mom!" I call out and rush after her but Zachary alerts me.

"No one moves. Besides, it's just her shin. She won't die...yet,"

"Why did you bring my mother into this?" I cry and he smiles again.

"It involves her." His words hint something to me, something he probably shouldn't have hinted.

If the question involves someone: they get shot.

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