All I could hear was the family war

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Izzie's: POV


November 10th 2013 Los Angeles

I was sitting with my back to the door and tried to shut out the screams. I covered my ears when papa hit mom.

I put on Demi's song For the love of a daugther and tears were rolling down my cheeks.

I put on Demi's song For the love of a daugther and tears were rolling down my cheeks

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(Thirteen years old Izzie)

Suddenly everything silenced. I heard no screams from mom. I opened the door quietly and walked downstairs. My heart was pounding by fear.

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked worried. I went to the kitchen and let out a gasp. She was lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. Her throat was slit.

"Nooo, please wake up mom, wake up mommy!" I said while tears were streaming down my face. "Open your eyes!" I said. "She won't wake up!" replied a man.

I turned around and saw dad. He was holding a bloody knife in his hand. I saw the hate in his eyes.

"How could you?" I yelled. "Stop screaming!" he said coldly. "How could you kill mom?" I asked. "There's none of your damn business!" said Jason angrily.

He slapped me across the cheek and my eyes were tearful. "I wish you were dead!" he said coldly and kicked me.

"You're hurting me!" I sobbed. "You are so pathetic!" replied Jason. He was hitting me until I lost consciousness.


"Please dad, don't let them take me!" I begged. I tired in vain to get free. "It's for your own good." said Jason. "I'm your daughter, don't do this to me!" I replied. "You killed your own mom, you will never be my daughter!" he said.

"Dad, DAD!!!" I screamed heartbreaking. A woman and man took me to a mental hospital. I would spend three years there, three years of pure hell.

I feel for Izzie💔 She has gone through so much💔

I hope you liked the chapter.


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