Chapter 12 - Better Than Revenge

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I Am Still Painting Flowers For You. (Alex Gaskarth)

Chapter 12 - Better Than Revenge

When we arrived in Baltimore, the guys went a little crazy. Rian almost started crying, Jack started screaming and Alex was jumping up and down. The only sane one here was Zack, me and Jenny. Zack laughed and so did I, but Jenny rolled their eyes at them. Alex was the first one off the bus, and I was the last one off. Me and Jack ran to our house and when we got there, we saw our parents waiting in the kitchen to greet us. "Jack, Alice!" They said as the both hugged us. We hugged them back, and then we ran upstairs to put our clothes away. We were staying in Baltimore for a week, and then we were off to Vegas. Then Jenny would go back to Florida, All Time Low would go on tour and I'd have to stay here. Maybe find a job… I've always wanted to be a painter… Hm. "What are you thinking about?" Jenny asked me as she came into my room. "Just thinking about what I'm doing after the boys go back on tour for a few months…" I said. Jenny nodded her head, and then began to get changed. "What are you going to do today?" She asked me. "Well, Jack is showing me around, and from what I overheard, Alex is taking you out for lunch." She told me. I smiled, and put on a blue button up flawy dress with brown leather flip flops. I went downstairs to see Alex waiting there for me, talking to Jack. When he saw me, he smiled and hugged me. "Ready to go?" He asked me. "Yep. Let's go!" I told him. 

"So, this is like, the best place to eat. Ever. They have the best milkshakes." Alex was explaining to me, as we sat down at a booth. "Hi, my name is Lisa and I'll be your… Alex!" Our waitress, Lisa said. "Oh, hi Lisa! How've you been?" Alex asked her awkwardly. "Good, you?" She said. "Good.. This is my girlfriend, Alice." Alex introduced me to her. "Hi, Alice." Lisa said tensely. "So, what do you guys want?" She asked Alex. "Milkshakes. To go." He said to her. "Uh, okay… I'll be right back." Lisa walked off from us, and then Alex grabbed my hands in his. "That was Lisa… My ex girlfriend." Alex said, not looking at me. "Uh, okay…" I said slightly confused. "You're okay with that?" Alex asked surprised. "Yeah. I'm not the jealous type." I told him. "Okay, but I still want to leave because I don't wanna be around her." Alex said while getting up. While Alex paid for our milkshakes, I lingered by the exit. Lisa came over to me and smiled. "So, you're dating Alex…" She said to me. "Uh, yeah. He's really sweet." I said to her. "Seems like you two are really in love." She said, nodding her head. "Uh, yeah. I guess we are." I said, not wanting to give her too much information. That's probably what she wanted. "Well, Alice. I just want to tell you about something… Alex doesn't really love you. He probably is just using you. He did it to me." Lisa said, looking at me in the eyes. "But, don't worry. He's probably not using you. But, if he is and you find out, I'll snatch him up from you." She added. I looked at her in disbelief. "It was nice meeting you, Alice! I hope we can hang out again sometime." Lisa said hugging me before skipping off back into the kitchen right as Alex walked back up to me. "Well, you and Lisa are getting along well." Alex said to me. "Yeah…" I said shaking my head, trying to get everything clear again. 

When we got back to the house, Jack announced that he had a date with Jenny that night and our parents would be out on a date themselves, so me and Alex had the house to ourself. That night, me and Alex were cuddling on the couch, watching some cheesy scary movie we rented. I jumped into Alex's arms when something popped up, and Alex laughed at me. "Don't laugh." I scolded him. He smiled at me and kissed me softly. I deepened the kiss, and held Alex's arms. Alex picked me up, me with my legs wrapped around his waist. Alex carried us to my bedroom, and then well, you know what happened from there… 

Me and Alex were laying in bed together, and he was playing with my hair. I looked over at his face, to see him staring at me. "What?" I asked him. "You're perfect." He told me. I blushed and then kissed him right before Jack and Jenny walked in the house screaming, "We're home!" Me and Alex started scramming for our clothes and Jack and Jenny's footsteps got closer. If Jack ever found out what me and Alex did, he'll kill the both of us. After me and Alex were both dressed, me kissed one last time and then we jumped onto my messy bed and tried to look natural. "Hey." Jack said to us when he walked in the room. I noticed his arm was around Jenny's waist and I smirked at the two of them. "What did you guys do while we were gone?" Jenny asked us. "Made out." Alex joked. Jack took it seriously and began to stride toward Alex. "Woah, Jack, he was kidding." I said, and Jack backed up. This just made me more worried. If Jack really did ever find out that me and Alex slept together… Shit will go down. "We ran into Lisa today." Jack said to Alex. "Yeah, we did too." Alex said calmly. "What's her deal with you Alex?" Jenny asked him. "We dated. She cheated. I dumped her." Alex said as if it was nothing. "She cheated?" I asked Alex. "Yeah. But, whatever, right?" Alex said looking up. "I'm sorry." I said as I hugged his leg that was propped up. He smiled and put a hand on my back. "She's psycho." Jack said suddenly. "Yup." Alex said agreeing. "She still wants you, Alex. You know that, right?" Jack said cautiously. Alex looked up slowly and glared. "I. Don't. Care." Alex said threw gritted teeth. Jack put his hands up in surrender and then walked out of the room. "She's crazy." Alex said to me. "She practically told me that she's gonna take you from me." I told Alex. His eyes widened. "WHAT DID SHE SAY?!" Alex freaked out. "Don't worry, Alex. It's fine. If she does take you, well, there's nothing I do better than revenge." I said before kissing him and falling asleep in his arms. 

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