Chapter 4 - Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't

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 After that very close kiss with Alex, I tried avoiding him for the rest of the day. That was kind of hard, because wherever I went, he was there. Like he was waiting for me. It. Was. Freaking. Me. Out. Jack asked me to go watch them practice, but I don't know if I should go since Alex is the singer. I ran up to my room and ended up calling Jenny back. I have to tell her everything, and I have to tell her that next week we're going to our beach house, so she'd be coming with us. After we were done talking, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I screamed. The door opened to reveal Alex. "Oh, uh, hi Alex." I said suddenly becoming nervous. "Uh, Jack just wanted to know if you're gonna go to practice." He said not looking at me. "Yeah, I'm coming." I said. His head shot up and he said, "Really?" I smiled at him. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" With that I got up and walked past Alex. "Alice, we need to talk." I stopped in my tracks. "Yes?" I said. "That almost kiss in the pool... What does it mean?" he asked. "I... I don't know. What do you want it to mean?" I said. "I like you, but we can't be together. You're my best friends sister." he said looking down. My heart shattered into a million pieces. "And plus, I shouldn't love anyone right now." And with that, Alex push past me made his way back to practice. 

*Alex's POV* 

What. Have. I. Just. Done. Now Alice will never really talk to me. Why am I such an ass? I probably broke that poor girls heart. I'm such a dick. Before I opened the door to Jack's music room, I whispered to myself, "I'm sorry Alice." And then I walked in. 

*Alice's POV* 

After what happened with Alex, I didn't even want to go to their stupid practice anymore. But, of course, I held my pride and walked into the music room as if nothing happened. I sat down on one of the couches and watched them get ready. "Hey, Alice!" Rian screamed. "Hey Rian." I said smiling at him. "Hey Alice." Zack said shyly. "Hi Zack." I said just as shyly. After they were all set up, Jack asked me "Okay sis. What song should we play first?" I looked right at Alex and said, "Damned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't." Alex stared at the floor. After that song was over, they played Break Your Little Heart. Then Lost In Stereo, then Six Feet Under The Stars, then Time-Bomb and finally Return The Favor. When they were done, they all bowed and high fived each other. "Wohoo! Encore!" I screamed. They all smiled at me. "Okay, what should be play for the encore?" Jack asked me. "Remembering Sunday." I said. Alex suddenly froze up. He slowly got up and grabbed his acoustic guitar and sat down. "Alice should sing Juliet's part. What do you think Alice?" I looked at Alex's face and looked for any sign of emotion. Nothing. Sighing, I got up and sat down beside Alex. When it came to my part, I sang it as best as I could. The whole time, Alex stared at me, like he was hypmotized. "Wohoo!" Jack screamed when we were done. "You should write songs, you have an amazing voice!" Rian said patting me on the back. Jack hugged me, Zack high fived me, and Alex smiled at me. The boys kept staring at me and Alex weird. "Alex, why don't you hug her or something!" Rian screamed obviously on purpose. Alex got up and we awkwardly hugged each other. After that was over, the guys all left. But of course, Alex stayed behind. "Alex, if you want you can sleep over." Jack said to him. "Uh, sure." Alex said. I quietly made my way up the stairs. I took a shower, changed into my pyjama's and logged into my Facebook and Twitter. I checked everything, and then I plugged in my iPod and listened to music until I feel asleep. 

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