Chapter 26 - You Found Me

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I Am Still Painting Flowers For You. (Alex Gaskarth)

Chapter 26 - You Found Me


This little girl was my daughter. I couldn't believe it. "Yes, Christina. This is your daddy." I heard Alice say for me. I smiled at the little girl, and next thing I know, she's running towards me, into my arms. I held her, and then I felt the tears coming on. "Daddy, why are you crying?" She asked me. "I'm just happy sweetie." I said smiling at her, and then pulling her into a hug again. 


It's been a few days since we saw Christina, and now the doctor's finally told me that I can go home. "You okay babe?" Alex said helping me out of the car. "Alex, seriously. I'm fine." I said smiling. I walked into the house while Alex got Austin out of the car. I walked up to the nursery, and a few minutes later Alex walked in, with Austin in his arms. Alex kissed Austin's forehead and then placed him down into his crib. I stood up beside Alex and we looked down at our son. "You did good, sweetheart." Alex said kissing my temple. "Thanks baby." I said hugging him from the side. 


Austin is now 8 months old, and I couldn't be happier. I was running around the kitchen making dinner, while Austin was sitting in his high chair watching a cartoon on Alex's phone. At the thought of Alex, I started smiling. I felt someone's eyes on my back and when I turned around I saw Alex standing there, smiling at me. "You're a good mom, you know?" He said kissing me on the forehead. "So, I was thinking, when Austin is two, we should start trying for another baby." Alex said happily. "Alex, Austin isn't even one yet. We can think about another baby when the time comes." I said planting a small kiss on his lips. "I love you." He said smiling. "I love you too." I said looking up from what I was cooking. "WE'RE HERE!" I heard Jack say with Jenny on his arm. "Hey guys." I said smiling at them. They all sat in the living room with Alex while I continued cooking, and in between Jenny would come in and help me cook. We would talk a little, and then Jack told us that him and Alex have a surprise for us after dinner. 

Dinner had just ended, and Alex and Jack had just told us that All Time Low was going on a tour. "That's great! I'm gonna miss you though." I said pouting slightly. "I'll be back before you know it." Alex kissed me on the cheek. After Jack and Jenny left, Alex played a little with Austin, and then I brought him up to bed. I was quietly singing to Austin, and when I was done I placed him in his crib. "You're not a bad singer, you know." Alex said from the doorway. I smiled at him, and took his outstretched hand as he led us to our bedroom. 


Alex left for tour about 2 months ago, and I just took a pregnancy test, telling me that I'm pregnant. Just as I read the little plus sign, I got a Skype call from Alex. A gritty picture of Alex popped up on the screen. "Hey babe!" He said happily. I smiled and gave a small wave, with Austin sitting on my lap. "Hey little buddy!" Alex said to Austin. "Daddy!" Austin said in his cute baby voice. "So, I have some news for you.." I said. "Good news?" Alex asked. "Of course." I said. He smiled, urging me to continue. "So, I'm pregnant…" I said and Alex was shocked for about 4 seconds, then he started screaming, telling the rest of the guys while I sat there laughing. Austin must have heard my laughing because, even our little baby boy was happy. 

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