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Alex's POV:

"I'm in trouble again, aren't I?" I guiltily asked once Izzy opened the door of her house for me.

"As always" Izzy nodded in reproach, her arms folded over her chest.

"I'm sorry, Iz" I groaned. "Can we skip all this part in which you scold me?"

"It's just that you're always late" Izzy complained. "I told you I wanted you to be here on time so we could check together if I've been accepted into college. I've already received the email, Alex"

"I know, I know" I mumbled. "Traffic was a state, it took ages for Dad and I to get here"

"It's always the same excuse with you" Izzy spat.

"Iz..." I pleaded. "I'm sorry"

"Whatever" Izzy dismissed. "Do you still want to check the email or...?"

"Of course I want to, Iz!" I yelped. "Come on, I want to have a look at your college

"Well, we don't know if it's my college yet" Izzy corrected me as she allowed me into her house.

"Shut up, we both know you've been accepted, already. If I had my own college, I would love having such a bright student as you"

"It's okay that you're trying to be supportive, but there's no need to exaggerate, you know"

"Hey, Judy!" I greeted, completely ignoring Izzy's words when I spotted her mother in the kitchen.

"Oh, hello, Al!" Judy chirped with a smile. "How are you, sweetheart?"

"I'm fine, how are you?" I politely replied.

"Oh, just fine, sweetie" Judy kindly said. "Are you, kids, going upstairs to play?"

"Mu, we're seventeen, alright?" Izzy slurred. "We're not kids anymore. We don't play, we just... talk, I guess"

"Well, anyways" Judy kept on. "Have fun!"

"See you later, Judy!" I cheerfully exclaimed, feeling as Izzy took a hold of my arm and dragged me upstairs to her bedroom.

"Seriously, stop making my Mum love you more than she loves me" Izzy spoke up, closing the door behind us and sitting at her desktop while she turned on her computer.

"It's not my fault I'm her favourite child"

"Shut up, will you?" Izzy blurted. "I'm about to die here"

"Oh, come on, you, wuss. Let's see that email, already" I could sense Izzy's body tensing up as I peeped over her shoulder to have a look at her computer screen, and just when my eyes got to the end of her admission letter, I couldn't help but jump up in excitement as if it was my own one. "You got in, Izzy! You did it!"

"Oh, my God!" Izzy gasped, taking a hand to her mouth. "Oh, my God! I got in, Alex!"

"I know! You're a genius!"

"Oh, fuck!" Izzy squealed, standing up from her chair and unexpectedly jumping into my arms, almost knocking me to the ground. "I can't believe this, Al! I'm so happy!"

"How come you cannot believe it?! You've studied so much for this! You deserve it!"

"I know, it's just... man, that exam was so difficult" Izzy sighed as I let her on the ground.

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