Wasting Time

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Alex's POV:

"Hey, boys!" Izzy greeted, making her way into the kitchen of the tour bus. We were all having breakfast before arriving to Brighton, the first city in the tour, but Izzy had remained asleep. "How are you all doing?" She smiled, taking an orange juice from the fridge and making herself a pair of toasts.

"Hey, Iz!" Matt hollered.

"How do you manage to look good even in your PJs?" Nick asked, making Izzy giggle. I had to admit he was right. Izzy was wearing a white tank top with thin straps, which stuck to her body to perfection. She also had a pair of shorts than hung loose on her, showing off her skinny legs and bare feet, which were neatly painted with a hot pink shade.

"Oh, stop it, you guys" Izzy slurred. "So, how are you feeling about the first show of the tour?"

"I suppose we're cool" Matt shrugged.

"Show offs" Izzy spat. "All of you" She accused, just as the toaster rang. "Well, looks like my toasts are ready, I'm heading upstairs"

"What?" Jamie complained. "Come on! Stay with us, Iz!"

"Oh, sorry, lads, I can't" She said, picking up her toasts and her glass of juice. "I've got to plan your outfits for tonight, and I need to concentrate. I love you all, but you're one big distraction"

"Aw, hard-working, Izzy" Matt cooed. "That's pretty"

"Well, unless you want to show up on stage naked, then I should put myself to work" Izzy added.

"Naked doesn't sound bad, to be honest" Matt kept on.

"Sounds fresh" Nick chimed in.

"You're disgusting" Izzy commented. "Right, I'll leave you now, boys" She announced, exiting the kitchen.

"Is it just me or does someone else feels like he's falling in love with Izzy?" Jamie inquired, making my eyes shot up to stare at him. "At least I'm not the only one who thinks she's totally pretty, right?"

"Pretty?" Nick repeated amused. "I'd say hot"

"She's on fire, mate" Matt exclaimed, and I could feel as my body started burning up in jealousy. What was with everybody that they were suddenly taking a deeper interest towards Izzy? I was aware that she was gorgeous, but it looked like I was going to have to learn how to control my jealousy problem. "What do you think, Al? You've been strangely silent" Matt taunted. He knew I was head over heels for Izzy since the very first day, but I hated how he was always trying to make me speak up about it.

"I'd say you're all right" I admitted. "But if anyone of you dares to lay eyes on her, I'll fucking kill you" The lads began hollering and chortling, but I could only glare at them.

"Whoa, cool down, mate, none of us is trying to snatch her away from you" Nick soothed me.

"Yeah, we know about your thing for her" Jamie said.

"What?!" I yelped.

"Oh, come on!" Jamie blurted. "As if you were that good trying to hide it"

"Shut up" I hissed.

"I think someone got jealous here" Matt joked.

"Oh, cut it out, already" I claimed.

"Seriously, Al, when are you going to tell her?" Jamie questioned.

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