Us In The Future

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Alex's POV:

"Mum!" I squeaked as soon as I saw her walking towards me, followed by my Dad, Judy, and John. I'd been seating on the hospital's row of seats for hours in the same position, with my head hanging low and resting on my palms, but the minute I heard hurried footsteps nearing me, I shot my head upwards. I stood up and let my mother engulf me in a tight hug, and I swear that if it hadn't been by the fact that I was aware of the rest of the group around us, I would have cried like a baby on my mother's shoulder. I'd been needing someone to contain me ever since Izzy was entered to her hospital room, and my mother's familiar hug was the only thing that got to ease my pain, at least for a moment. I felt useless, so utterly useless. This had all been my fault.

"It'll all be okay, dear. This is neither yours nor Izzy's fault" Mum softly murmured, almost as if she'd read my thoughts. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder, and I turned around to allow my father to hug me as well. Still, the guilt in my heart never felt as bad as when John took me into his arms too.

"I'm sorry, John" I mumbled as my voice broke down. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything"

"You saved her life, son, and that's the most valuable thing" John whispered, offering me a kind smile, but not even that was enough to make me think otherwise of myself. On the other hand, though, Judy hugged me and filled my face with kisses and tears in her eyes, which somehow managed to bring out a smile in me.

We all sat down and waited for any news or doctors to say something to us, but hours kept passing by and there was still nothing. In fact, my parents and Izzy's decided to tell me all about their plane journey from England to Spain, but my mind was somewhere else. I'd told the lads to go back to the hotel and have some sleep, and even though they'd strongly refused to leave me alone, I'd insisted and convinced them when I mentioned my parents were going to fly here, but no matter how many people were around me or if I was on my own, nothing was going to heal the aching in my heart and the weight on my shoulders. It wasn't until I saw two doctors coming out of Izzy's room that I felt myself finally breathing again.

"Why don't you go and see her first, Al?" Judy chirped by my side.

"Oh, no, no, Judy" I stuttered. "I think you should go, Izzy probably wants to see you"

"Oh, come on, sweetheart" Judy insisted "I think you're the most appropriate of us to go first. I bet Izzy really misses you"

"Uhh, I..." I trailed off doubtfully, but seeing as everyone seemed very keen on the idea of me going first, I ended up agreeing. "Alright, thanks, Judy"

"Oh, and if Izzy asks about Delilah, just tell her the Helders are looking after her" Judy reminded me.

"Sure, I will" I replied, finally turning the doorknob with sweaty hands and entering Izzy's room. To my surprise, Izzy was sitting straight on the bed whilst she looked out a small window, completely oblivious to everything around her. "Hey"

"Al" Izzy gasped, suddenly turning her head to my direction. For the first time in months, I was witnessing her beautiful almond shaped eyes glistening with tranquility, and it filled me with a sudden relief. My feet automatically dragged me towards her and I tightly wrapped my arms around her, burying my face in her neck as I proved for myself that she was alive. She was still alive.

"Fuck, Izzy" I mumbled. "I thought I was really losing you this time"

"You are not going to get rid of me that easily" Izzy said, her voice muffled by my clothes. "I mean, you tried doing it for six years and it didn't work, mate. Why would it work now?"

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