Missed Phone Calls

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DISCLAIMER: rape and abuse.

Izzy's POV:

"Mark, please, no!" I cried out, just as he placed his hand over my mouth. The noise from the festival crowd was resounding in the whole place, so even if I tried screaming for help, I doubted someone would hear me. Everyone's attention was probably focused on the boys playing now, not on a faraway toilet in the backstage area. Besides, I didn't even know the Italian translation for the word "help", which put me in an even more difficult situation. "Mark, please! Please, I'm begging you!"

"Shhh!" Mark shushed me, forcefully pushing me against the cubicle's door. "Don't forget to be quiet, Isabella" I felt Mark's fingers sliding into me and I harshly closed my eyes, trying to ignore the pain. I began crying once again, although this time, it was out of pure instinct. I wasn't doing it because I felt fear or because everything hurt. I already knew what was going to happen and how it was going to end, so I was only crying as a natural reflex of my body when it was put through these situations, hoping to release some tension if I let the tears break free.

"Mark, please, let me go! You're hurting me!"

"Well, if you eased up, darling, it would be better for you!" Mark reproached me, firmly taking me from my waist and unexpectedly thrusting into me, making me yelp in absolute pain. "Shut up, for fuck's sake, Isabella!" I wanted to do as Mark told me just in case he might get angrier if I didn't, but my body ached so much that I couldn't contain myself from screaming and crying, wishing for his nightmare to end as fast as possible. When had everything become so fucked up for me?

"Please, let me go!" I pleaded, placing my hands on Mark's chest to push him off me, but they weren't answering to my orders. In fact, they were weak and trembling, and just like the first time, I couldn't find anything else to do but to surrender, waiting for the moment until Mark decided he'd already got what he wanted from me. The worst part of this all was witnessing his satisfied face whilst I felt like I was dying. He was taking everything from me: all my pride, and my dignity, and my strength, and my will.

"I'll see you around, Isabella" Mark evilly grinned at me once he was done, exiting the cubicle and leaving me on my own once more.

My legs suddenly gave up and I fell to the floor, crying against it like a kid. I sat up against the wall and brought my knees to my chest, hugging them for some kind of comfort and keeping my ears alarmed, just in case Mark decided to show up again and I had to find a way to run away. From the distance, I could hear the Monkeys' show coming to an end, and without wasting more time, I dragged myself out of the cubicle and tried wiping the tears away from my face before the boys could notice.

Outside, everyone was living their lives as if absolutely nothing had happened, whilst I was thankful I was still alive. Sometimes we don't realize, but every person hides their inner monsters and their darkest secrets, and they could be going through the worst situations while we stand right next to them without ever noticing. We just stand there, blind to everything around us, never expecting to be the ones experiencing it all until it finally happens to you.

All of a sudden, my phone began buzzing in my pocket, bringing me back to reality, but when I looked at the screen and read Mark's name on it, I quickly ended the call before even answering it, sending it directly into the missed calls section of the phone. Right after that, a message popped up in only seconds, forcing me to open it.

"Meet me tomorrow again before the concert ends, I need to repeat today's events. Your boys will be very entertained while they play, but I'll need your help to get rid of your bodyguard, so try thinking of something to get him out of my way before you go to sleep tonight. Sweet dreams, Isabella"

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