The Final Cut

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DISCLAIMER: violence.

Izzy's POV:

"What are you doing here, Isabella?" My body froze when I heard Mark's voice behind me, stopping me in the middle of my way towards the stage the boys were playing at.

"Uhh... I was just going to watch the show" I stuttered.

"The show? I thought you were staying at the hotel, you're leaving tomorrow"

"I know, I just promised Alex I was going to be here before I left" Mark shook his head as he chuckled, sending shivers down my spine.

"It was just saying good bye, Isabella, not a whole affection display"

"Mark, I-"

"You had time to say farewell yesterday, now leave before that prick gets to see you"

"Mark, please"

"Leave before I get angry, darling"


"Now!" Mark growled.

"Mark, please, you can't do this to me!" I whimpered. "It's just watching the show!"

"Darling, I can do whatever I want here" Mark grinned.

"Please" I whispered.

"I said no, Isabella"

"Mark, please!" I regretted whining those last words when Mark firmly got a hold of my hair began pushing me forwards, walking next to me towards the tour bus that had been taking us from one city to another in Spain.

"Shut your mouth up and follow me" Mark hissed into my ear. I barely made any sound to avoid confrontation, but I was seriously fearing for my life now. I was desperately looking everywhere, trying to find someone who might be witnessing the scene and help me, but unfortunately, there was no one around. I wished for one of the boys to still be inside the tour bus, but to my dismay, I realized it was only Mark and me when he pushed me into it.

"You just don't give up, don't you?"

"Mark, please, let me go" I pleaded, feeling as despair rose up my body, already anticipating what was about to come.

"What do I have to do to make you understand, Isabella?" Mark spat, trapping me between his body and the wall.

"Mark, please!" I cried out in fear. "I gave you your last time, it was part of the deal! Why are you doing this to me?!"

"It was just saying good bye, Isabella, you shouldn't have come here!"

"You never said I was forbidden to do this!"

"You should have been smarter, Izzy" Mark laughed.

"Mark, please, let me go! Please, I swear I'll get back to the hotel if you let me go!"

"Darling, you've already broken our deal" Mark evilly mumbled. "I couldn't care less now"

"Let me go!"

"Let me be done with you and I'll let you go, darling"

"No!" I squealed, clawing at his face and breaking free from his grip, making a run for the door. I could hear Mark cursing behind me whilst his hurried footsteps got closer and closer to me, but I still ran as if my life depended on it. Actually, it did depend on it, but the moment Mark knocked me to the ground I feared this was going to be the last thing I was going to see. My head bumped against something hard and it took me a moment to adjust my eyes to the ever spinning room, and when I finally got a hand to where I thought the cut had been done, I noticed blood had begun pouring down my face. Before I could react, I felt Mark raising me up from my shirt, but my body wasn't answering. In fact, I felt so heavy that I couldn't even stand up, and consequently, my shirt got ripped as I landed on the ground once again.

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