Reality's Coming Back

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Izzy's POV:

My life had become so hectic in within a matter of days: I'd quit my job at the coffee shop, I was studying online, and I was overflowed with work. Making clothes for the Monkeys took most of my time, and it was an arduous task. I wanted to have most of their outfits planned before the tour arrived, so it would earn me some more time and I wouldn't have to be running around everywhere, but it was making me go insane. Yet, that feeling was nothing compares to how my heart was racing when I saw Stephanie patiently waiting for me at the bar's door. Finally, we'd found the time to go out for something to eat, but I couldn't say I was eager about it.

"Hey, Izzy!" Stephanie happily yelped, getting me into a tight hug.

"Hey, Steph" I greeted. Stephanie wasn't exactly mean to me, like Sam had warned me. On the contrary, she was a total angel when she was near me, which made it even more suspicious, and so hard not to like her as well. I still had my doubts on her, and I despised the fact that her relationship with Alex was a total masquerade, but I couldn't treat her badly for that. "I hope I haven't been keeping you waiting for long"

"Oh, not at all" She dismissed with a smile. "I've literally just arrived. Come on, let's go inside" She suggested, and I gladly followed her into the cosy restaurant. Although the place was small, it still held some delicacy that made it look like such a nice place. "So, I've noticed the boys have been keeping you busy, lately" Stephanie said after the waiter left to get our orders ready.

"Yeah, don't even mention it. I'm sorry I couldn't go out with you sooner because of my job"

"Oh, don't worry" She chirped. "I understand, I've been quite busy as well"

"I can imagine"

"I don't want to let you down, but just wait until the tour starts"

"I know" I sighed. "I'm going to go mad"

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sure you'll know how to handle it" She encouraged, but her face showed something else completely. In fact, she looked... sad.

"Is everything alright, Steph?" I asked.

"Yeah... I suppose" She whispered. "It's the tour, actually"

"What about it?"

"I won't be able to make it"

"What do you mean? I thought you were going to be there with Alex"

"Yeah, well... my manager's got me some new photo shoots that will take me ages, so I won't be going to the tour"

"Oh" I let out. "I'm... I'm sorry about that" Actually, I wasn't half sorry. I felt like a bitch, but I couldn't help but be jumping out of joy in my mind. The thought of being on a tour bus with Alex and Stephanie constantly snogging in front of my face throughout the whole day had been eating me away, and now that I knew she wasn't going to be there, it was relieving.

"I still haven't broken the news to Alex" She gloomily murmured. "He's not going to like it" I nodded in understanding. "Izzy... could I ask you a favour?"


"I know how close you and Alex are, right?"

"Yeah, I guess"

"Right" She exclaimed. "Could you... God, I feel awful for asking you this, but... do you think you could tell it to Alex for me?" She pleaded. The fucking coward. How was she not going to face him and tell him she wasn't going to be there for him during the tour? What kind of a fucking girlfriend was that supposed to be? "He won't get mad at you. I'll make sure to talk to him later, anyways, but if you could just-"

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