Starting Again

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Izzy's POV:

That night, Alex and I spent our time talking about anything and everything, just enjoying the warmth of each other's company. It was as if nothing had ever happened and we were the same best friends we'd always been, chilling and laughing like crazy. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we never realized time was passing us by and it was already five o'clock in the morning. It was only then that we decided to go to the bed, but we were so exhausted that we ended up sleeping on the couch we'd been sitting on all along, cuddled up and tangled in each other's legs. Nothing had ever felt so right like that night.

"Hey" I chirped, leaning on the kitchen's doorframe and staring as Alex got some toasts ready.

"Hey, you woke up" Alex replied.

"Yeah, I was sort of hoping you were going to stay with me"

"Oh, don't feel bad about it, love. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed. Well... couch, actually" I giggled, taking a seat on the countertop next to Alex.

"Is it going to be like this from now on?"

"What do you mean?" Alex smiled up at me.

"Yeah, are you going to be this corny and sticky with me all of the time?"

"Well, I'm sorry for trying to be a nice boyfriend" Alex snorted. "You know what? You're so ungrateful, Izzy. Do you have an idea of how many girls are willing to kill to be in your place?"

"Oh, have you ever checked the meaning of the word humbleness on the dictionary, Narcissus? Because you're lacking a lot of that"

"Shut up, mardy" Alex spat. "Instead of being there looking pretty, you could actually help me get something cooked for breakfast"

"If that will get you to stop whining, then fine" I jumped down of the countertop and grabbed the toast from the toaster, placing them on a dish right before Alex took me by my waist and made me spin to face him, crashing his lips against mine.

"What?" Alex complained when I broke apart from him, laughing under my breath.

"Nothing" I shook my head. "You're unbelievable"

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