Chapter 39

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*Emma's POV*

"So, Damian is Bruce Wayne's son and the new Robin?" Barry asked, for clarification. Dick and I nodded, confirming what Barry said. "Does every son of Bruce Wayne eventually become Robin?" Barry asked, this question aimed at Dick. We were walking to Jitters, opposed to Barry speeding us there, because Dick wanted to see the sights Central City had to offer.

"Well, it's not really his fault. One thing led to another and we eventually found ourselves training along side the Dark Knight," Dick explained. Barry nodded, not quite understanding it but going with it anyway, then asked us his next question.

"Bruce Wayne is Batman isn't he? It just makes sense, Emma told me she had to go to Gotham because Batman had a son with Talia al Ghul and now you guys are telling me that Bruce Wayne's new son is Robin? You might've fooled the guys at STAR Labs but they don't know what I do," Barry told us. I sighed and looked to Dick for permission. Dick had a smirk on his face and nudged me, as if to say 'go on'.

"Yeah, he is." Barry's smile immediately grew, which caused one to appear on my face. We had reached the entrance to Jitters and Iris immediately walked over to us.

"Dick! You're back! Is there anything I can get you? Coffee? Tea? A muffin?" Iris started rambling. Dick was standing in front of Barry and I which meant he had Iris's full attention. Barry and I looked at each other and smiled before I patted Dick's arm and looked around him. "Emma, Barry, you guys are back too. Great!" Iris smiled. I laughed slightly and we all made our way to the table Mikey was passed out on. Before Barry or I could sit down, Iris grabbed us and pulled us towards the stairs that led us to the indoor balcony. "Isn't he perfect?" Iris spoke dreamily. Barry and I once again looked at each other in amusement.

"Iris, aren't you still with Eddie?" Barry asked her, his tone playful.

"Barry! Dick Grayson is on my three list," Iris explained. Barry looked at me in confusion before asking what was on his mind.

"You-your three list? What's-what's a three list?"

"A three list is a list of three guys that 
you're allowed to cheat with. They're the freebies so the boyfriend can't get mad," I explained. Barry nodded in understanding, but his eyebrows were still furrowed.

"Oh. Does Eddie know about this three list?" Barry asked.

"Yeah I've been meaning to ask that too actually," I admitted. Iris looked at both of us and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah I called him the second Dick walked out earlier," Iris gushed. I rolled my eyes and pushed her back in the direction of the table, where Dick was poking Mikey's cheek as Mikey lightly snored. Barry and I both watched her walk back before Barry spoke up.

"So, do you have a three list?"

"Yeah, of course," I answered. Barry nodded before asking another question.

"Who's on the li-"

"Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Chris Hemsworth," I interrupted.

"That was a quick answer," Barry grinned. I smiled and rolled my eyes as I elbowed him jokingly. He shook his head and side hugged me, laughing lightly.

"Hey, I know what I want. Now come on, I don't want Iris to pick his brains out." I grabbed Barry's arm and pulled him over to the table. I sat down and Barry stood behind me, leaning on the back of my chair.

"Oh, guys, I was just telling Dick. We should all go to a bar tonight. You two, me, Eddie, and Dick. You guys can invite Caitlin and Cisco from S.T.A.R. Labs too. It'll be fun," Iris told me. Barry and I exchanged glances before I looked at Mikey, then Iris.

"Yeah it sounds fun, but what about Mikey?" I asked.

"Don't worry about me Em. I've got some friends in town I've been meaning to visit anyway. You guys go, I'll be fine," Mikey assured me. I smiled at him, and then agreed to go. The five of us sat there talking for an hour before Barry and I both got alerts on our phones from the CCPD.

"Hey, guys, sorry to cut this short but Em and I have to go to. We'll see you tonight alright," Barry apologized. He held out his hand to help me out of the chair, which I accepted.

"We're so sorry. The key to my apartment is under the mat, bye guys," I said. I kissed Mikey and Dick on their cheeks before I hugged Iris. Barry hugged Iris and waved to Dick and Mikey as we speed walked outside of Jitters. Barry picked me up and I spoke, "Don't burn my clothes, and don't pass out." Barry rolled his eyes with a light smile.

"It hasn't happened in a while. Let it go," he answered, before we sped off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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