Chapter 7

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Barry's POV

This is the part where I'm supposed to do the whole intro thingy. Barry Allen, fastest man alive...but you know all that already. All right, let's get to the good stuff. You see that smoke? That's a fire on Western and 3rd in downtown Central City. And that blur? That's me on my way to it. I'm going 352 miles an hour. And it's a slow day.

"Barry....? Barry!" Emma yelled over the comms.

"What? Did I miss it?" I asked.

"You over shot by six blocks," Cisco laughed.

I sighed, "My bad."

Emma's POV

"Are you there yet?" I asked.

"What are you doing?" Caitlin asked. Cisco and I scrambled to stop the computers so Caitlin doesn't see us helping Barry.

"Nothing," Cisco said.

"Who were you talking to?" Caitlin asked.

"No one," I said.

"Are you talking to Barry?" Caitlin asked.

"Who?" Cisco asked.

"Barry Allen? Struck by lighting? Was in a coma for nine months? Woke up being able to run faster than the speed of sound? Emma's best friend since childhood? Ring a bell?" Caitlin said.

"No. Haven't talked to him," I said. Really, like she will believe that.

"Cisco, Emma, there's fire everywhere!" Barry yelled over the comms.

"No duh, Barry," I said under my breath.

"Cisco, Emma? Are you there?" Barry asked. When we didn't reply, I suspected Barry found something and stopped the fire.

"Everybody's out. What else you got for me, guys," Barry said. I could hear him smirking.

Caitlin walked up to the comms, took the mic and said "Barry, it's Caitlin."

"Heeeey, Caitlin.....How's your day," Barry said.

"Get back to STAR Labs," Caitlin said sternly.

We heard Barry exhale and say "On my way."


"Have you three lost your minds!" Caitlin yelled. Barry, Cisco, and I were lined up, our heads down. We felt like children being scolded by our parents for playing ball in the house.

"Who do you three think you are?" Caitlin yelled.

"We're the eyes and ears, and he's the feet," Cisco answered smartly.

"This isn't funny. You could have gotten yourself killed. You can't be running around the city like some supersonic fireman," Caitlin said, directed more at Barry then at me and Cisco.

"Why not? This is what we talked about: Me using my speed to do good," Barry said.

"We talked about you helping us contain other people who might have been affected by the particle accelerator explosion. Meta-humans. And aside from Clyde Mardon, we haven't found any," Caitlin said.

"People in this city still need help," Barry said. He sighed and said "And I can help them. We can help them."

"Will you please say something," Caitlin said, turning around to Wells.

"I think what Caitlin is saying, in her own spectacularly angry way, is that we are just beginning to understand what your body is capable of. Not to sound like a broken record, Mr. Allen... I do caution restraint," Dr. Wells said.

"Dr. Wells....I doubt restraint got you to be the man you are today," Barry said.

"In a wheelchair and a pariah. No offense," I said.

"None taken, and Mr. Allen. Lack of restraint is what made me these things. Know your limits," Dr Wells said while wheeling away.

"Don't expect me to patch you up every time you break something," Caitlin said sternly before walking away.

Cisco, Barry, and I started walking back to the computers when Cisco asked, "Hey, uuh...Anything happen out there today?"

"Yeah, the sensors in the suit were kicking back some weird telemetry, like your vitals spiked for a second," I said.

"Never felt better," Barry said fake-smiling. I know you Bartholomew, don't you lie to me. Barry's phone started vibrating. He sighed and answered it, it was Joe. "Hey, Joe everything alright...............I'll be right there," Barry said and hung up. "My day job beckons," Barry said before speeding away.

"When do you think he'll realize he didn't take his clothes," Dr. Wells said smirking.

I laughed and said, "Maybe when he realizes he didn't take me either."

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