Chapter 20

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Emma's POV *At CCPD*

Barry and I just walked up to Joe when we heard the end of his conversation with another cop. "Congratulations, Paulson, on that arrest last night. Hell of a job," Joe said.

"You come by later, Joe. I'll give you a driving lesson, okay?" Officer Paulson said before he walked away.

"It wasn't even him last night, it was me," Barry complained to Joe. I snickered and tried to cover it up when Barry noticed.

Barry fake glared at me while Joe said "I figured, I just didn't realize you were helping people for the glory."

"It's not like I want a museum built in my name," Barry said looking down. The three of us started walking up to Barry's lab.

"Who knows, maybe it could happen. It might be called 'the Streak Museum'," I said laughing at Iris's attempt at naming Barry's alter-ego.

"I kinda like 'the Flash' better than 'the Streak'," Barry said laughing with me.

"Okay, then the museum will be called 'the Flash Museum' and I can be full of like the stuff from you and your villains that you face," I said. Joe just looked amused at the whole exchange.

"But all joking aside, keeping what I can do from Iris and everyone, it's harder than I thought," Barry said.

"I know, but it is safer that way. Besides, me and you got work to do," Joe said putting a box on Barry's desk. I spun around in Barry's chair to look at the box.

"The evidence from my mom's case," Barry said.

"I had it brought up from storage," Joe said softly.

"I've been through this box a thousand times," Barry said his voice almost cracking from the sadness. I spun the chair around and looked at Barry, he looked as if he was about to cry.

"Before, your story about what really happened that night... the lightning storm, the man in the middle of it... I thought that was a kid trying to protect his father from prison. But now that I know it's true, we're gonna go through every scrap of evidence until we find something that helps us. It took the jury 52 minutes to come back with a verdict of guilty. They moved too fast, which is why we got to take our time," Joe said.

"How about....Barry and I do that, and you can get back to whatever else you were doing before," I said. Joe obviously knew what that was code for, since I was the only one who could calm Barry down. As kids, I would be the one to tell Iris, Joe, or anyone else to leave. Once Joe left, I got up off the chair and grabbed another one so Barry could sit down. " we can get to your mom's case later. First, we never had a chance to catch up since I got back," I said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, sure..." Barry said already cheering up a bit.

"Any questions?" I said playfully.

"So you worked with Batman in Gotham right?" Barry asked.

"Yup," I nodded.

"And Nightwing was always there," Barry said.

"That's right."

"Doesn't Nightwing protect Blüdhaven?" Barry asked.

"That is true, but since I was there working with Bats, he had Nightwing stay in Gotham for...I don't know...I was in Gotham for what....five years? So...I started working with Bats during my first year there so...Nightwing stayed in Gotham with me for all five years.

"Were you two ever romantically interested in eachother?" Barry asked.

"Oh dear god no. We were just friends Barry. Just because I've seen him shirtless doesn't mean we were romantically linked. If he was ever was because he was injured so I had to patch him up," I said. His abs were rock solid though... I thought to myself.

"Well, lightning gave me abs," Barry said angrily and jealously

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked. Barry nodded and I turned bright red.

"Wait, you have abs now!?" I whisper-yelled.

"Yup," Barry said smiling and nodded like the adorable goof he is.

"Don't worry your pretty little head Bartholomew. Nightwing and I were just friends," I said ruffling Barry's hair. It was easy since we were sitting which meant I didn't have to stand on my tippy-toes to reach him. Barry just rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out.

"How'd you meet your roommate?" Barry asked.

"I met my roommate when I was picking up Mikey from school. Dick, as you know, has a little brother, Tim. Tim and Mikey are best friends even though Tim is a year older. Since Tim and Mikey constantly hung out, Dick and I were just forced together. We never minded though, we enjoyed each other's company. We quickly became great friends the first year I was there, and we moved in together when my mom and his adoptive dad suggested it. I can't wait for you to meet him one day, he's great," I gushed. Barry looked slightly disappointed but still kept a small smile on his face.

"One more did you protect yourself in Gotham? Did Batman or Nightwing or someone teach you? It is the most dangerous city in the country. Even more dangerous than Starling City," Barry said.

"No, Batman and Nightwing didn't teach me how to protect myself. I already know enough to get by anyway. Finn was always paranoid. Besides I didn't exactly need to protect myself. Bruce, Dick's adoptive dad and my mom  never let me go anywhere without Dick anyway," I said shrugging. Although, he was busy once in awhile so I did occasionally go around on my own. It's not so bad in the morning. It's at night when you should worry. I went everywhere with either my mom, Mikey, Dick, or Tim anyway," I said.

"Soo, you feeling better now?" I questioned Barry. He nodded and stood up. When he stood up, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him. He hugged me, I was surprised at first but eventually hugged back. Barry's arms eventually snaked around my waist and mine were around his neck.

"Thank you Emma," Barry whispered into my ear, which sent shivers down my spine and caused the butterflies to come alive in my stomach. I looked up at Barry and he looked down at me. He started leaning in and so did I.

Our lips were centimeters apart when-

"Barry, Emma, we got multiple homicides," Eddie said as he walked into the lab. Barry and I jumped apart, faces red and embarrassed as hell. "Am I interrupting something?" Eddie asked smirking.




I changed the title of this story. It is now known as Glad You Came instead of Before I Knew It. Also THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 2K READS!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!

Also this is IMPORTANT!!!

I am currently looking for a ship name for Barry and Emma. I have two that I'm thinking about that both equally suck.

1. Baremma -Barry and Emma

2. Barmily -Barry and Emily (Emma's full name)

Comment on which one you like more. Also if you guys think of one that is better please comment that too. I do check all the comments and try to respond to as many as I can. Vote please!!


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