Chapter 29

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Emma's POV

"How do you not know where you left the guy in the hospital," I questioned.

"I don't know! I swear I left him in this room and  I left some doctors in here," Barry sighed. 

"Okay well, they obviously moved him and we've been here for thirty minutes. Barry we're late," I exasperated. 

"Let's go," Barry mumbled. He picked me up and raced to the crime scene. We saw Joe and Captain Singh approaching us. 

"Sorry Captain, we were at the hospital visiting a friend," I explained. Singh nodded and Joe spoke up.

"There's nothing missing. It looks like someone interrupted the robbery," Joe said as he looked at Barry. 

"Guard says there was three of 'em," Singh informed. I nodded but Barry cut in.

"Actually there was four.... I mean that's how many I would bring...if I were doing a robbery of this nature," Barry rambled. I shook my head and tried to help Barry.

"That's definitely a four guy truck. A driver, two more to cover the guards. Somebody used liquid nitrogen to crack open this door. So four bad guys," I concluded as Barry held up four fingers. 

"Thank you Mister Allen and Miss Raymond for your brilliant insight," Singh told us sarcastically before walking away. 

"For somebody so fast, you're a little slow on the improvising," Joe remarked to Barry. "Did you see anything that can help us catch these guys?" Joe asked Barry.

"Didn't one of them lose his mask? Did you get a good look at his face?" I asked Barry.

"Yeah, one of 'em lost his mask. I saw his face," Barry's voice quieted down to a whisper.

"Way to be dramatic," I teased. Barry rolled his eyes and nudged me and I nudged back. Barry then put his arm around me and pulled me really close to him so I couldn't retaliate. We looked at Joe and a knowing look filled his face.

*At the CCPD*

"So look through these mug shots of Central City's most wanted and see if you can find our guy," Joe said. Barry looked through the book at super speed and found the guy. 

"That's him," Barry smiled pointing at the guy's face.

"Damn," Joe approved. "Leonard Snart." 

"Leonard? That's almost as bad as Bartholomew," Barry acknowledged. 

"Quit complaining Barry. I like your name. It's cute," I smiled as I nudged him. Barry looked down at me and smiled as he put his arm around my shoulders. He pulled me closer to him as Joe kept looking at Snart's picture.

"Snart ain't sexy either," Joe added. I laughed lightly. "Snart's father was a cop. Was a bad cop. Took his anger out on his kids until he went to prison," Joe continued. 

"Snart's dad is in prison too? We should start a club," Barry noted sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and nudged him gently. "What?" Barry whispered. 

"Don't say that, we both know your dad is innocent, while Snart's on the other hand is not. At least you have that," I scolded. Barry rolled his eyes but nodded, then he smirked. 

"You were in Gotham for one week. Did the Dark Knight take away your ability to sense a joke that quickly? Let me guess, was the Joker involved?" Barry teased.

"Ha ha, very funny. Once you spend a week in Gotham with Batman, we'll start talking about the ability to sense a joke. That place is so serious and gloomy all  the time. It is way different than Central City's bright and cheery atmosphere," I retaliated. Barry smiled. 

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