Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

Barry sped us to Jitters and we saw Iris talking to Eddie. Then Iris gave Eddie a kiss. Wait, Iris gave Eddie a kiss.....and Barry is right here, dang it Iris. Barry grabbed my hand and we walked away.

"Emma...." Barry said.

"I saw it Bare," I replied.

"Did you know?" Barry asked turning to me disappointment clear on his face.

I stopped walking, looked at him from the corner of my eye, nodded while say "Yeah."

"Why didn't you tell me..." Barry asked now getting mad.

"Well it wasn't my secret to tell," I said getting annoyed.

"At least I know you can keep secrets," Barry chuckled.

"Yeah, so if anyone finds out....the can rest assured it wasn't me," I said smiling and shoving him on purpose as we resumed walking.

"Yeah," he said shoving me back. We kept doing that as we walked smiles on our faces. His adorable smile...

Everything was calm until we heard fast paced footsteps behind us. We stopped walking and the footsteps slowed down. Barry and I didn't dare turn around, instead Barry grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into him.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked once we started speed walking.

"It's a safety precaution," he said smirking.

"Well you can stop," I said laughing and poking his side with my finger.

"You know you like it," Barry said cockily.

"You're right, I do. Man, I've missed you so much," I said while side hugging him. Suddenly Iris came out of nowhere on Barry's other side. It scared me so much I yelped.

"Haha, you yelped," Barry said.

"Oh shut up," I said letting go of him and slipping out of his 'precaution'.

"You can't tell my dad. He doesn't know about me and Eddie," Iris said clearly out of breath from running to catch up to us. M
"Doesn't seem like anyone's in on the secret other than you, me and Emma," Barry said, his face hardening.

"I was gonna tell you. When you were in the hospital, Eddie covered my father's shifts so that we could both be with you. I thanked him with a cup of coffee, and things just kind of happened. And it's good," Iris said obviously trying to make Barry less mad at her. The funny thing is, I found out Eddie and Iris were together in a similar way Barry did, and Iris reacted the exact same way, because I had done the same thing as Barry and walked away. "Dating your partner's daughter, it's not against the department regulations?" Barry asked. "Why are you so upset?" Iris asked. "I just don't like lying to your dad, you know?" Barry replied with a shrug. "Surrrre," I said teasingly. "Oh, shut up Emma," Barry said playfully shoving me. I winked and stuck my tongue out. "You two are perfect for eachother," Iris said smiling at us. "Don't say that, we are just friends Iris," I said laughing. "For now," Iris said in a sing-song voice.

Suddenly, we see a police car chasing another car. The police car skidded and almost came crashing into us until Barry pulled Iris and me out of the way. Barry and I see the driver of the first car as Clyde Mardon and I nod for Barry to chase him down. Barry chases the car and causes it to crash. Nice job Barry, I thought while rolling my eyes. "Barry!" Iris yelled. "Hey Mardon!" I heard Barry yell. Mardon creates a thick fog and runs away. I knew that later Iris, Barry and I had to talk to Joe.

"That poor man, the way that fog came in, I have never seen anything like it," Iris said sympathetically. "Barry! Iris! Emma!" Joe yelled causing our attention turn to him. "I'm alright dad," Iris said calmly. Joe on the other hand was the opposite of calm. "What the hell were you thinking having her out there? No, no, no and I told you! When you see danger, you run the other way! You're not a cop!" he yelled. "Because you wouldn't let me!" Iris countered. "You're damn right!" Joe yelled again. "Joe, I need to talk to you," Barry said calmly. "It can wait," Joe said dismissing Barry. "No, now. I know who did this. It's Clyde Mardon. I know, everybody thinks he died in a plane crash after the Star Labs explosion, but he is alive. All right, something happened to him that night. I, I think he can control the weather. The recent robberies, they all happened during freak meteorological events. And when I just confronted Mardon, the street was instantly enveloped in fog." Barry said while Joe started shaking his head. "Of course you don't believe me. You never believe me," Barry now getting angry. "Okay. You wanna do this now? Out here? Fine. Mardon is dead. There is no controlling the weather, Barry. Just like there was no lightening storm in your house that night. It was your brain helping a scared little boy accept what he saw," Joe said harshly. I was taken back by this and so was Iris. "My dad did not murder my mom," Barry said. "Yes, he did! Your dad killed your mother, Barry. I am sorry, son, but I knew it, the jury knew it, now he's paying for what he did," Joe said. "Dad, enough," Iris said, now angry too. I couldn't blame her, even I was a bit annoyed with Joe at this point. "No, Iris! I have done my best to take care of you since that night, and I never asked for anything in return, not even a thank you, but what I do ask now, is that you for once in your life, see things as they are," Joe said again now yelling. Barry started walking away and I ran after him once Eddie came up to Joe and Iris. Before I left I heard Eddie say "You're not going to believe this. We've got the eyewitness' sketch of the robber from the bank job. If I didn't know better, I'd say that's Clyde Mardon. But that's impossible, he's dead, right?" Wow, Joe...just wow.

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