Chapter 23

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*Emma's POV*

"Now that we have a sample, we'll get to work analyzing it, figure out the makeup of the poison, maybe get a clue as to his human identity," Caitlin said.

"Or at least a way to stop him from turning into a mist," Cisco added, "The Mist, okay that's his name. End of discussion!"

"We have to get to the station," Barry said to me.

"Barry you have to rest we can go later," I smiled at Barry.

"I have to talk to Joe," Barry said. He then stood up and sped us to the lab.

*At Barry's Lab*

"You have to stop worrying so much about me," Barry said to me.

"I'll stop worrying about you when Batman and Talia Al Ghul have a kid," I said.

"So never...." Barry trailed off.

"Basically, yeah," I said smiling. My phone started ringing so I answered it. "Hello?" I asked.

"I would've expected a more chalant greeting when I called," the voice answered. Only one other person uses strange words like that...

"Dick!" I smiling into the phone. Barry looked at me confused and I gave him an 'I'll tell you later' look.

"Yup. Listen I know we haven't spoken since you left for Central City but I have a question," Dick asked hesitantly.


"You're good with kids right?" Dick asked. I sighed, after all those lectures Bruce gave him about using protection.

"Is it yours or his?" I asked.

"His," Dick replied.

"Mother?" I questioned.

"Talia Al Ghul," Dick answered.

"You're kidding me right?!" I asked getting annoyed.

"Nope. That's what the kid said."

"Boy or girl?"

"Boy," Dick said.

"Age?" I asked

"Around ten or eleven," Dick said.

"I'm coming," I sighed before hanging up. I looked to Barry and he looked back at me confused.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Remember when I said I would stop caring about you when Batman had a kid with Talia Al Ghul," I said.

"Yeah..." Barry replied.

"Well....Batman kinda had a son with Talia Al Ghul," I said, "But, I'm still not gonna stop worrying about you."

"Do you need to get to Gotham...?" Barry trailed off. I nodded. Barry sped me to my apartment and packed my clothes. "I'll take you first and then come back for the bags," Barry said picking me up. "Where in Gotham?" he questioned.

"Wayne manor," I answered. Barry raised an eyebrow and I nodded. "Okay, great. You're the best," I smiled pecking Barry's cheek. He blushed and sped me to Wayne Manor. He dropped me off at the door and I rung the doorbell as Barry ran back to Central City to get my bags. Alfred opened the door and I smiled widely. "Miss Emma, what a lovely surprise," Alfred smiled.

"It's great to see you too Alfred," I smiled hugging him. Right then, Barry came back with my bags. Alfred's raised his eyebrows and I said, "Don't question it."
"Bye Barry!" I said as I hugged him.

"Bye Em," Barry smiled. He then broke away from the hug and sped off to Central City.

"So, Dick told me Bruce has a son..." I trailed off. Alfred nodded his head in shame and we went down to the batcave. As so as we got there, I saw Bruce in his Batman suit and Dick in not wearing a shirt with cuts all over him. I whispered to Alfred to not tell them anything about me being here. He nodded and walked over to Dick and started stitching him up. Bruce was at the Bat-computer and I snuck up behind Dick.

"Really ticks me off after all those lectures he gave me about using protection," Dick pouted.

"Indeed," Alfred sighed.

"You should be glad he did. The Bat-cave is crowded enough," I said. Dick's head turned immediately and looked at me. "Hey," I waved.

"Emma! I didn't think you'd get here so fast," Dick smiled.

"Let's just say, I know someone pretty fast," I smirked. Alfred kept stitching and Dick hissed.

"Are you alright Master Dick?" Alfred asked concerned.

"I took the cut. I can take the stitch," Dick smiled lightly.

"TT, maybe you need more anesthetic," an adorable kid with bright green eyes said from the top floor near Dick's old Robin suit. "Maybe you need to go f--," Dick started. "Master Dick!" Alfred said.

At the same time I said, "Dick!" "This the kid?" I questioned. Dick nodded.

"Maybe you need to remember who the blood son is," the kid said before looking at the suits.

"Bloodthirsty is more like it," Dick muttered. "He is....ADORABLE!!" I exclaimed.

"How?! He's like the demon-spawn!" Dick complained.

"I'm gonna talk to him. What's his name?" I asked Alfred.

"Damian," Alfred answered. I nodded and smiled widely.

"Hey, Damian," I said to him.

"What do you want lady," Damian asked rudely.

"Okay, my name is not 'lady' it's Emma Raymond," I said.

"Okay, what do you want Raymond," Damian questioned.

"I just want to talk," I said softly.

"I'm not interested," Damian said turning his attention back to the Robin suit. "This was his?" Damian asked me. I guess he is interested in talking...

Before I could answer, Dick came up behind me and said, "Still is. Keep your hands off it kid."

"Don't be so mean Dick," I said looking up at him. Dick rolled his eyes and Damian smirked.

"Is this what you wore in training?" Damian asked.

"It's what I wore when I went on patrol," Dick said.

"The only thing it's missing is lace trim and a sun hat," Damian smirked. I walked over to Damian and put my hand on his shoulder. He tensed at first but relaxed quickly.

"I LOVE you!" I laughed. Dick glared at me as Damian smiled slightly.

"You don't fool me. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking you could be Robin. Well you can't," Dick disclaimed.

"Dick, stop being so mean. He's just a kid," I reminded turning to face Dick.

"He's not a kid he's an annoying son of a b--" Dick started.

"Dick!" I interrupted.

"I don't need some insipid costume and a bird name. I'm way beyond your kind of simplistic training. As you saw tonight," Damian said shrugging off my hand. My smile faltered but I quickly recovered. Damian walked downstairs and Dick and I followed him.

"Don't forget, you lost that fight," Dick said.

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