Chapter 33

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Emma's POV *At her apartment*

Michael finished unpacking first so he came and sat down next to me with a stupid grin on his face. "What?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"Oh, nothing, just the fact that you were about the kiss the boy you've been in love with for forever," Michael replied.

"I haven't been in love with him," I defended. Have I?

"Emma, no matter how blind you are to it, you do love him," Michael explained sweetly. I smiled at him and stood up.

"Come on," I stated, I held my hand out for him to grab as he got up. He took my hand and stood. He was suddenly taller than me. "Woah....when did you get so tall?" I queried, looking up at him and smiling.

"I don't know, maybe you're just short," Mikey teased. I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I've missed you Mikey," I grinned.

"Yeah I know, I've missed you too. Also, it's Michael now, I'm not 12 anymore. I'm turning 18 soon," Michael countered.

"Sure Mikey," I teased. He grinned and pulled me into a big hug which I gladly returned. We stood in my living room hugging and rocking side to side until Dick came out of the second guest room.

"I see I'm missing the family reunion," Dick smirked. I pulled away from the hug but Michael kept his arm around my shoulders.

"Do you guys want to go to Trivia Night tonight at Jitters? Iris, Eddie, Felicity, and..uh..Barry are going to be there. If you don't want to, it's fine we can have a movie night here instead," I beamed. I turned to face Dick and Michael moved to stand behind me.

"Oooooh Barry's gonna be there is that why you want to goooo," Michael teased as he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I put my hands on his and shook my head.

"I'm just giving you two the option because Iris invited you guys to come too. Plus I love Trivia Night, and maybe Barry," I spoke as I mumbled the last part.

"Even though I would looove to watch you stumble over your words talking to your true love, I feel like if we went, there would be too many people on one Trivia team so yeah let's just have a movie night here instead," Dick commented.

"Okay, great! You two can decide which movie you guys want to watch while I go and make some popcorn," I smiled. Mikey and Dick made eye contact with each other before racing towards the box of movies I had next to the TV. I chuckled and shook my head at their childish antics as I made my way into the kitchen. A bowl for the popcorn was in my hands when I heard yelling coming from the living room. My apartment was fairly big and the TV was positioned in a way that people from the kitchen couldn't see it or anything on the left of it. The box of movies were on the left of the TV therefore the boys were also on the left of the TV.

"I say we watch Annabelle because it'll scare the heck of Emma," Dick proposed. I heard shuffling and movie boxes hitting against each other before Michael's response.

"So that when she gets scared she'll cuddle up to you? No way, that's gross, she's not your roommate anymore. I want to watch A New Hope. It's been a while since Emma and I have had our Star Wars marathons. Pleaaseee," Michael begged Dick.

"Boys, rock paper scissors if you can't agree on one," I called. I heard groans, more shuffling, and movie boxes hitting each other before I received a response.

"What are we? 10?" Dick grumbled to himself.

"I heard that."

"Hah," Michael snickered. I walked into the living room holding two big bowls full of popcorn. Dick immediately rushed over to me and he snatched one of the bowls out of my hands.

"Dibs on having my own," Dick cried out. I rolled my eyes and sat down on my couch.

"Hey, no fair, you're a cop so you're faster," Michael complained.

"Aww, it's okay Mikey. I can make myself another bowl," I smiled. Mikey smiled thankfully but shook his head no. I took a seat on the couch watching Dick and Mikey argue over a movie. It had been 10 minutes and they were still arguing. "Guys, if you can't pick then I will," I threatened with my mouth full of popcorn.

"We are NOT watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier again. No matter how much you love Chris Evans," Dick muttered. I rolled my eyes but laughed when Michael made a noise in agreement. Mikey and Dick both put their choice of movie onto the coffee table and started doing rock paper scissors. After Mikey had won so Dick immediately started shaking his head in disagreement.

"HAH! I win," Mikey celebrated.

"No, best out of three, come on," Dick grumbled, glaring daggers at Mikey's hand. Mikey looked to me and I shrugged. Mikey shrugged back and they played again. I stopped paying attention and started looking through the movies myself. I heard Mikey groan and I knew what happened. Dick had won. They played the final round when my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Iris. I looked at Dick and Mikey only to find they were already looking at me.

"Who won?"

"Dick," Michael grumbled. Dick grinned at me and I gave him a thumbs up. Mikey pouted and I gave him a big hug before answering the call. Michael hadn't let go of me so I was talking to Iris on the phone with Mikey's arms around my shoulders and my back leaning into him. Although he's younger than me, Mikey gets very protective of me. He wasn't a big fan of Dick when I was living with him in Gotham but after Dick had saved me, Mikey quickly warmed up to him.

"Hey Iris," I greeted.

"Emma, where the hell are you?" Iris asked me. I was about to answer when I heard a voice on the line that never ceased to make my heart flutter.

"Emma? Are you coming to Trivia Night? Felicity is here too," Barry told me.

"Uh, I can't come. Sorry Bare. Mikey and Dick wanted to have a movie night instead. Sorry, you know how much I love Trivia Night. If anything comes up at the....CCPD don't hesitate to call me or pick me up. We both know you can't get anything done without me," I joked. I referred to STAR Labs as the CCPD since Michael and Dick were listening. I didn't want to give anything away about mine and Barry's extracurricular activities.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. It's a shame you can't come. I was looking forward to hanging out with you. If something comes up at the...uh...CCPD I'll just come and pick you up," Barry spoke cautiously. Instead of STAR Labs he also said CCPD which lead me to understand that Iris was listening.

"Hey Emma, can you talk to your boyfriend later. I really want to start the movie," Dick complained. I glared at Dick and Mikey noticed. Mikey grabbed one of the random tennis balls I had lying around the apartment and threw it at Dick. Since Dick was distracted, it hit his head. Mikey and I started laughing as Dick rubbed his head.

"What's going on over there?" Barry questioned when he heard the laughter.

"Just Mikey messing around," I answered after I contained my laughter. "Dick is complaining about starting the movie. If I don't see you later I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye Barry."

"Oh...okay. Bye Emma," Barry mumbled. He seemed upset, and disappointed but something else laced his words. Was it jealousy? No, Barry can't be jealous, he doesn't like me that way....does he?

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