Chapter 32

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Emma's POV *At STAR Labs*

"You guys want to go to Jitters," I asked Barry and Felicity. We were still at STAR Labs so that Felicity could get to know Cisco and Caitlin a bit more.

"Sure," Felicity beamed at me.

"Fine by me," Barry confirmed. We said our goodbyes to Cisco, Caitlin, and Dr. Wells before Barry sped Felicity out of STAR Labs. A few seconds later, he came back for me and we sped off to CC Jitters. Once we got there we walked out of the alley in towards the entrance. Barry opened the door for us and grinned.

"Thank you," Felicity acknowledged.

"Yeah," Barry spoke.

"Why thank you kind sir," I joked while doing a princess bow. Barry laughed and put his arm around me and pulled me into his side.

"You're such a goofball," Barry effused. I looked up at him and he looked down at me.

"That's why you love me," I beamed, quoting Barry from earlier. Barry smiled at me before his smile turned mischievous.

He put his lips really close to my ear and whispered, "Damn right I do." He then proceeded to give me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed profusely and looked up at Barry. He flashed me his signature smirk and winked which caused me to blush even more. I had finally stopped blushing as Felicity had went to order. We were about to follow her when Iris stopped us.

"Heyy you two," she greeted cheerfully. Her smile grew when she saw the close proximity Barry and I were in.

"Hey Iris," I smiled.

"We're not a two," Barry stuttered while shaking his head. Felicity had made her way back to us with our coffee too.

"Nope, they are a one and a one, supposedly," Felicity said gesturing to us.

"Yeah what she said," Barry and I spoke simultaneously. Felicity and Iris exchanged looks before they both pulled me aside.

"We'll be back in a moment," Iris assured while grabbing my arm. They took me to the loft in the Jitters. "What the heck was that about??" Iris questioned while smacking my arm.

"What was what?" I asked, confused.

"What do you mean what was what? You and Barry! What was that all about?" Felicity queried excitedly.

"Nothing...we're just friends," I announced. I couldn't help but be disappointed though. I like Barry, he's everything I want and so much more...

"Was that..disappointment  we heard?" Iris grinned.

"Ohh my gosh! Do you like Barry?" Felicity gasped.

"....maybe...." I mumbled. I blushed, looked down, and grinned. Iris and Felicity jumped up and down with glee.

"Finally, you FINALLY admitted it," Iris laughed.

"You two would be so adorable together. Oh my gosh, it's so obvious he likes you too," Felicity gushed. I smiled at what Felicity said while I looked down from the loft. Barry was standing there looking confused as to why Iris and Felicity dragged me away.

"Let's go back down, we'll continue girl talk later," I chirped before we walked down the stairs and back to Barry. I stood on Barry's right side while Felicity stood on his left but slightly forward so that she was in front of him.

"Have Barry and Emma been showing you some of the sights in Central City?" Iris asked, trying to take the focus off of what we had been discussing earlier.

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