Chapter 1

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*One month after Particle Accelerator explosion*
I rushed out of the taxi when it got to my new apartment complex. I threw some cash at the driver, grabbed my bags and ran to my apartment door. I quickly unlocked the door, and threw my stuff next to the couch. I'm so glad I bought this place fully furnished. I took out my phone and checked the time, 6:04 PM. Iris would pick up so I called her.

"Hello?" Iris asked.

"Hey Iris it's me Emma," I said biting my nails "You do remember me right?"

"How could I forget you, Emma. You are one of my best friends," Iris said cheerfully. I could practically hear her smiling.

"Guess what....I MOVED BACK TO CENTRAL!!" I half-said half-screamed.

"YOU DID!! YAYAYA!!" Iris screamed with me.

"So anyway..the topic we have both obviously been avoiding....How's Barry?" I asked.

"Well, as you already know, Barry is in STAR Labs. And...I don't know if you're pissed or not about that..." Iris trailed off. I knew cousin Ronnie Raymond died in that building and Iris thinks that I have a grudge against STAR Labs but I don't. One, Ronnie was engaged to Caitlin Snow, one of the workers at STAR Labs and I really like her. I specifically told him to not let go of her. Two, Cisco is the most lovable person ever, he was like a brother to me, so was Ronnie. And finally Three, Ronnie would have told me not to hold a grudge against them so I didn't.

"Don't worry Iris, I'm actually kinda glad you did. Maybe Cisco can annoy Barry enough that he wakes up," I laughed and so did Iris.

"Yeah, maybe. So I'm guessing you'll want to see Barry right," Iris asked. She knows me so well.

"Yup ASAP. I'm going tomorrow actually," I said smiling.

"Great! Anyway I need to go. See you tomorrow! Byee!" Iris said.

"Yeah! Byee!" I said. After I hung up, I walked into my bedroom, fell onto the bed and immediately fell asleep.


*8 Months Later*

I was in Jitters with Iris waiting for her to finish her shift so we could go see Barry. It was a thing we did now. After I was finished with my shift at the CCPD I would go to Jitters and wait for Iris so we could see Barry together. Speaking of which, I work at the CCPD now because I am a part time forensic scientist which helps them a lot since Barry is in a coma and if he wakes up I will be his assistant. I was on my phone when I heard someone walk in and I looked up, I saw Barry. Barry...he woke up...he's okay! Oh thank god...Of course when Barry walks in, Iris is nowhere to be found. I put my phone away and run into Barry's arms. He hugs me and picks me up. We pull away and Iris is now behind me. She hugs him and we start talking. "Oh my God!  You're awake!  Why didn't STAR Labs call us? Cisco is so getting an earful later," I started rambling.

"I just woke up," Barry said smiling.

"Should you even be on your feet?" Iris asked.

"Yeah, I'm with her. I'm no doctor, like Caitlin, but you shouldn't be on your feet," I said playfully punching him "Oh s-sorry did that hurt...or...I don't know...." Barry just laughed at how awkward I was. "We watched you die, Barry. You kept dying and your heart kept stopping," I said.

Barry took my hand, put it up to his heart and said "Still beating." Suddenly I hear a crash behind me and turn around to look at it.

"Oops," someone said.

"Are you okay Tracy?" Iris asked.

"Yeah I got it," Tracy said.

"My dad is gonna be so happy to see you. Let me get my stuff, okay? I'll be right back," Iris said and she walked off.

"Are you okay?" I asked because Barry looked dazed.

"Ye-yeah I'm fine," he said.

"Well if you're fine...can...can I like.... I've just missed you so much. You being put in your 9 month nap just made me miss you more even though you were right here. Unlike when you weren't in a coma and I was in Gotham. Okay, here's the point, I'm so so happy you're okay. So can I have another hug?" I said once I realized I was rambling. Barry laughed and hugged me, Boy have I missed this guy.

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