Chapter 38

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Author's Notes:
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and children of..... well there better not be any children reading this, as this is listed as a mature story. But anyway, welcome to the latest update of Alpha and Omega.

Before I let you all start enjoying this story, I have a confession to make. My writing progress has been slowed, as I keep getting pulled into the endless abyss that is YouTube. I keep watching so many random videos about a bunch of different anime's, and Pokémon AMVs. I can't help myself, I just spent three hours on the YouTube app on my phone. If it wasn't for my alarm I set on my phone to make sure I didn't stay up too late, I wouldn't have remembered to write this before I went to bed. I just hope I can get over this recent addiction and refocus on my writing.

Anyway, if you like my story please vote, feel free to comment, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you chapter 38, enjoy.

"Alright Larvesta, string shot," Ash commanded of the bug and fire type.

It's been a few days since Ash caught Larvesta, and was now working on his training. They were currently at the Pokémon Center in the town of Hellin. Serena was working on her performance routine with her new Oricorio, and things were working great while they were training. Oricorio was a bit of a pre madonna when they weren't performing, which was wearing on Braixen's nerves. Oricorio didn't mind listening to Serena since she seemed to respect her talent as a dancer, but she saw the other Pokémon as beneath her and more as servants.

Currently, Ash would be pleased if Larvesta would act like that, as he was making little progress with the new Pokémon. Ash had set up some targets for Larvesta to see how good his aim was, again. After Ash made the command, he saw nothing was happening, and looked down to see Larvesta was fast asleep with a bubble coming out of his nose.

"Larvesta," Ash irritably groaned.

The other Pokémon sweatdropped from this behavior. It appeared that all Larvesta ever wanted to do was eat and sleep. Ash knew Larvesta was going to be a fairly difficult Pokémon to train, and only experienced trainers could really train them, but Larvesta wouldn't even give him a chance. Ash wasn't sure if Larvesta was just lazy or he didn't respect him, but regardless this needed to end. All he needed was a chance to show him that he was a strong trainer.

Training ended and Ash and Serena were now back in their room to clean themselves up before eating breakfast. Ash was sitting at the foot of their bed waiting for his turn to use the shower. He was currently passing the time by using his Pokédex to go through his Pokémon, to decide which of his older Pokémon he should train next.

Serena was in the shower washing up. She was done rinsing the shampoo out of her hair and started to wash her body. As she washed her chest, she started to feel lonely. She wished that Ash was in the shower with her lathering her up, and then she could do the same to him. Then thoughts of what they could do in the shower afterwards entered her mind. A second later, her body froze and her breathing became erratic as her heart rate quickened. Memories of the incident with Tierno flooded her mind, causing her to drop to her knees as tears came to her eyes.

This had happened several times since the attack, but not recently. Serena was starting to feel like she was finally getting better, but this showed her the opposite. She longed for Ash's intimate touch, for him to run his fingers along her body. She wanted him to kiss her with passion, to take her clothes off her and make love to her. But sadly that couldn't happen, as every time the thought of having sex entered her mind, flashbacks of the attack would come and drown out the thought with fear.

During the attack she felt powerless, as it seemed all she could do was slow him down. Upon regaining conciseness, Serena was happy to hear Shauna sent Tierno blasting off, but now she wished she didn't. Knowing Tierno was still out there scared her, scared that he could try again, and this time no one would be there to save her. They reported the attack to Officer Jenny, so that way they would hopefully find him and arrest him. They checked with an Officer Jenny every time they saw one, but still Tierno had not been captured. Serena's mind then drifted to the feeling she felt before she lost consciousness. Somehow she was able to stop him, but was left vulnerable after. She wanted to know what this power was and how to control it, hopefully without losing consciousness.

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