Chapter one (redone)

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Sorry wattpad is messed up at the moment this chapter was deleted :( I'm just going to give the gist.

"Thanks Tori" I smiled as she set my cup down on the table, then sat across from me. "No problem" she smiled. Days like this I liked. The quiet ones where I wasn't alone, but with the person I love most. I watched as her eyes shot up to a noise from behind me. I followed her gaze to the front of the shop. And this is where it all falls down.

That little slice of heaven, is over. I watched as the group of the it kids walked in loudly and obnoxiously, popping a squat at one of the tables. "Isn't he just amazing" tori said, drooling into her drink with heart eyes. I turned to glance at her, then back at the group. "Jamie? No way" I laughed and shook my head. "You are maybe good enough for those.. Mouth breathers, but I am better than that, I don't care about high school cliques or any of that. I just want to peruse my career" I smiled, reassuring myself my situation wasn't all that bad.

"Yeah yeah, but just know that if you actually had the nerve to talk to him, you could have a shot with Johnson" She shoved my arm teasingly. "Nah that won't happen. He's with Brooke and I'm fine with that" I turned around to watch the kids again, but only to be met with a familiar face. "Fine with what?" He smiled, shoving his hands in his pockets. I sat there with my mouth agape.

"Fine with the music lessons I'm making her give me" Tori's voice rose from behind me. I mentally sighed of relief. "Oh, cool. I hear you're good Taylor" he smiled down at me. I wanted to speak, but I couldn't get the words out. "Oh yeah she's the best" Tori spoke again, backing me up. Jack looked at her, ten to me and tilted his head, as if something was off. "What are you doing over here with these... Girls babe?" Brooke came up behind Jack, and glared at me.

"Just talking" he looked back at her over her shoulder. "Well, Tori, is it? We were just on our way to the beach. Would you like to come? Jamie says you're cool" She sniffed with a forced smile. "H..he does? Yeah I'd love to" Without a second thought tori got up and walked out with Brooke. "Meet ya in he car, don't keep me waiting" she whispered, then kissed Jack on the cheek and walked out. "Taylor, you can come if you'd like, I feel bad just leaving you like that" he shrugged then looked up to me.

"No it's fine, I'll let you guys be. Have fun" I tucked loose hair behind my ear as I passed Jack and out of the shop, on my way home.

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