Warmth - Naruto

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"Sorry, Naruto. It's freezing upstairs. I just came down to grab an extra blanket and thought I would warm up a bit. I'm leaving."

Naruto found his friend sitting on the brick fireplace, warming herself.  She began to get up.

"You don't have to. Why don't you sleep where it's warm, and I'll sleep upstairs?"

"I'm not taking your bed, Naruto."

Before he could respond, the tree branch thumped loudly against the window again. He saw Ino shudder.

"Would you mind if I just slept in your bed with you? I'm not a fan of the dark, or that creepy sound. I just don't want to sleep alone."

"Sure. I won't let anything happen to you Ino. Promise."

He pulled the covers back, inviting her in.

"Thanks, Naruto."

She climbed in and curled next to him, pressing her face into his shoulder. Naruto was a little confused, but happy to help. She smelled good; her skin practically emitted the smell of fresh flowers. He wrapped his arms around her protectively, the warmth of the fire making him feel sleepy. They had a really fun day. He had never really talked to Ino, but she was a lot of fun. They had ramen and went to the hot spring. Ino told him all about her family and they flower shop and Team 10. She was bubbly and talkative, and it was nice to just talk to someone. They had even gone to the coed hot spring, which was awkward, but fun, From what he had remembered of her at the academy, she was high maintenance, always getting into it with Sakura about Sasuke. It seemed like Tenchi had changed her a lot. He began to doze off with Ino in his arms, keeping his friend safe from the outside world.

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