Marriage, Maybe? - Kakashi

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The day before the Cherry Blossom Festival, Kakashi received a  message from the Hidden Leaf:  Guy was coming to see him.  Usually, he would feel indifferent about a friend visiting, but his mood was light for once and he was feeling better than he had in years, so a visit from his eternal rival was definitely welcome.  As he slowly walked to the Tenchi teahouse, crutch and all, He hoped that Guy wasn't too shaken by the events of a month ago.  Even though shinobi are trained to turn off their emotions in the battlefield, it's still hard to watch your comrades get hurt, especially close friends.  He arrived to find Guy waiting for him.

"Kakashi!  You look much better than the last time i saw you!"

"I'm feeling much better.  Sorry to worry you so much."

He sat down across from his friend. 

"How are things back in Konoha?"

"The usual.  Nothing new there."

Kakashi knew that Guy didn't come here to small talk, but he wasn't sure what else to say.

"Hey, Guy.  I didn't get to thank you from pulling me from teh river.  I owe you one."

Guy stared into his steaming cup.

"Yeah, to be honest Kakashi, I was pretty sure you were dead.  We couldn't get you untangled from that little girl you rescued.  It took myself, the Innkeeper, and those red-headed mist twins to separate you two.  And then those twins picked the both of you up and ran off."

Kakashi stared at the tabletop.

"Yeah, it turns out that I actually did die in the river.  Mizuka revived me on her living room floor.  And she stayed with me until I was out of danger."

"I came by the next morning, if you remember.  You were face deep in boobs.  I guess she's dedicated."

Guy laughed a little at this, and so did Kakashi.

"Yeah, she's pretty amazing."

Guy smiled at him.

"So, what have you two been doing for the past month?  I bet she's been working and you've been bored at her place."

"Actually, Lady Suoh gave her the next three months off, so we have two more months."

"Lord Third gave you three months?"

"I think he was persuaded by Lady Suoh."

Guy sat back with a strange look on his face.

"So, what exactly have you been doing for the past month?"

"Well, I gained back most of my mobility after the first week.  So, you know, we've been... hanging out at her place... and the hot spring..."

Kakashi turned red at his own words.  Guy laughed.

"So, you've been sleeping with her?"

"Constantly.  She's incredible.  It's like she was made for me.  She's actually so perfect, I... think I'm going to ask her to marry me."


Might Guy jumped up from the table.

"Kakashi!  You barely know her!"

"No, I actually know her very well.  I was kind of sleeping with her before she left for Tenchi... ten years ago.  You know, when my life went to shit completely.  Her leaving was the final straw that drove me to the Seppuku thing.  I was a jerk to her before she left.  I'm actually surprised she revived me..."

Guy looked shocked.

"I was on her squad and I had no idea any of that was happening."

"She was my secret.  I'd always hoped I'd see her again, but I never thought it would happen.  I guess fate had other plans."

"You must really like her, because you don't sound like yourself at all."

Kakashi just sat and smiled.

"She makes me feel different.  And she makes me want to be a better man."

Guy gave him a thumbs up. 

"Well, I'm happy for you.  Let me know when the wedding is."

They chatted for a while longer before parting, Guy back to Konoha and Kakashi back to the warmth of his lover's arms in the cottage.  The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, even though they had that late snowstorm a month ago, and the petals fell lazily from their branches.  He hobbled along the streets, reflecting on how quickly things had changed in the past month, and, hopefully, this time tomorrow, he would be getting ready for another big life change: asking Mizuka to marry him.

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