Festival Night - Mizuka

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Mizuka finally returned home just a couple of hours before the festival began. She gasped as she opened the door.

"What's all this?"

The house was lit with candles and, in the kitchen, Kakashi was busy making dinner.

"I figured you'd be hungry when you got home."

She went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, putting a hand around his waist and looking under his arm at the stove top as he cooked.

"You really should be resting..."

"I feel fine. Better than I have in a long time. But I wouldn't get too excited about the cooking. I haven't cooked for anyone other than myself in a long time."

She giggled as he handed her a bowl of ramen topped with green onions, pork, and a hard boiled egg.

"I bet it's great. It looks amazing."

They sat outside on the front step, stuffing their faces and enjoying each other's company and the cool spring evening. They chatted about Mizuka's emergency at the hospital. It was a woman from a nearby village with extreme abdominal pain, on a hunch, another healer called her, a birthing specialist. Turns out, her abdominal pain was a nine pound baby girl.

"Kakashi, why did you do all of this for me?"

"Because I never got to do this for you the first time. You're amazing, and you deserve everything. And more."

She smiled, staring into her empty ramen bowl.

"C'mon, I have something to show you."

Kakashi took her bowl and set it on the step next to his, standing up and taking her hand.

"It's in the bedroom."

She gasped when she stepped in.

"Oh Kakashi! It's beautiful!"

Her had laid her festival kimono laid out on the bed.

"I want you to have an amazing festival day."

She quickly stripped and put the kimono on, looking at herself in the mirror.

"Oh, Kakashi, it's perfect. How did you know?"

He smiled and put a hand behind his head.

"I had a little help from Mei."

She smiled at him He put on his kimono as she got ready. She reappeared, looking like an angel: her hair was pinned up and she had a shimmery look to her face. She put her hands up to her mouth in surprise.

"You look so handsome!"

She ran up and threw her arms around him, almost knocking him off balance. As they walked out the front door, she took him by his crutchless arm, and he could feel the pride radiating from her, which filled his heart with joy.  They were in for a fun-filled evening with friends and townsfolk.

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