Preparations - Kakashi

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Kakashi awoke mid morning, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Mizuka was nowhere to be found.  He lazily got up from the bed and stiffly headed toward the kitchen when a piece of paper caught his eye, laying on the table. It was from Mizuka:


An emergency came up at the hospital. Hopefully, I won't be gone for long. I'm really looking forward to going to the festival with you tonight. Take it easy today, and if you need anything, Yohe is next door.

Love, Mizuka

Kakashi put the note back and filled the kettle, setting it on the stove top and heating it. He stood in from of the window, watching the people bustling past the front of the cottage, many talking excitedly, probably about the festival. The Tenchi Cherry Blossom Festival was a long standing tradition in the village, and the village was covered with them. In the spring, Tenchi turned into a pink wonderland of blossoming trees and falling petals. He stepped away as he heard the water boiling on the stovetop. He made a cup of tea and sat at the table, staring into the steamy cup, deep in thought.  He had spent the last month with Mizuka, and he couldn't remember a time that he felt happier or more at peace. She had been on his mind for the past nine years, constantly dreaming that he could right the wrong that he committed. He would have nightmares about it, the events always remained the same: she was in the grip of a pink-furred beast, trying to claw her way out of its grasp. Kakashi lunges at the monster, digging its eye out with his kunai, the one Minato Sensei gave him. He rescues her, bruised and bleeding, from its clutches. He sits on the ground, Mizuka curled in his lap, and he is apologizing for his childish behavior. But, the ending would change: sometimes she would open her eyes and gently touch his cheek, and other times she wouldn't. She would simply disappear and he would be alone. Again. He was fortunate, however, that since he had arrived in Tenchi, the dream had stopped happening. But his time here couldn't last forever, he had two more months and then he had to return to Konoha, meaning that he would probably have to return without her. And then he would be back in his dark, depressing apartment. Alone. Again. He wanted to ask her to marry him, but was it too much too soon? He had been struggling with the question for the past two weeks. He wanted her to be his so badly, but he was afraid he would lose her altogether. If she said no, it would be a massive blow to his heart. Years of dreams shattered.

But if she said yes...

He wasn't sure how they could make it work, but they would. Even if he ended up going home with only a ring on his finger and the knowledge that his beautiful bride would be awaiting his return, that would be enough. As he finished the rest of his tea, he made a mental checklist of everything he needed to make the night perfect for her.

Kakashi got ready and hobbled toward the center of town on his crutch, where the bustling commerce was located. He wanted to look the part of a traditional festival-goer, but it had been years since he donned a kimono for any occasion. As he wandered from vendor to vendor, he realized that this was going to be a bigger challenge than he expected. After a few vendors, he felt a tug on the back of his shirt. He turned to find the little girl he had saved from the river.

"Oh, hello."

She had long black hair and bright blue eyes, and was blushing furiously at him. She spoke quietly.


Kakashi could tell she was painfully shy, and also raised a friendly hand in a waving gesture. She gestured for him to lean closer, which he complied with painfully.

"Thank you for saving me. You're my hero. Someday, I'd like to marry a brave shinobi like you."

She gave him a little kiss on the cheek, blushing an even darker red. Kakashi smiled.

"You're welcome. I'm glad to see you're okay, Mei."

"What are you doing out here? Are you getting ready for the Cherry Blossom Festival?"

Kakashi thought for a second before answering.

"Yeah. Actually, I'm hoping to be Lady Mizuka's brave shinobi, and I want to take her to the festival, but I don't have anything to wear."

Mei giggled at his words.

"I can help."

Kakashi usually wouldn't accept help from a nine year old, but he was desperate at this point. She took his hand and pulled him along to a vendor down the street, giggling while searching through a rack of kimonos. She pulled out a black one with gray and pink cherry blossom patterns.

"It matches your eyes."

He was impressed with her choice. He paid for the kimono and Mei motioned for him to lean down again.

"Can we get one for Lady Mizuka as well?"

Kakashi nodded and Mei took off down the road. He had the feeling that the shy little girl had been looking at kimonos all morning and was more than happy to dress the both of them. Mei stopped in front of a beautiful kimono on display. It was white with blue and pink cherry blossom designs on the sleeves and the bodice, with a beautiful gray sash, the same color as the gray on Kakashi's. It was perfect. Kakashi quickly bought it.

"Mei, do you see one that you like?"

Her eyes lit up. She pulled him to another vendor, where he purchased the final kimono, purple with silver butterflies on the sleeves and bodice and a white sash. She cradled the purple cloth, resting her face on it.

"Thanks for your help, Mei. I hope I see you tonight."

The little girl blushed again.

"Thank you Kakashi. I'll see you tonight."

She gave him a hug and ran off. He had one more thing to get before heading home to Mizuka's.

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