Exhaustion - Kakashi

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Kakashi underestimated how nerve wracking it could be having his wife far away from him, especially as they wrote to each other.

"I'm concerned about her, Guy. Sometimes, I'm worried that the chakra inside of her body is too much for her small body when it manifests. She told me that she burned her fingertips again when she was on a long shift at the hospital."

Kakashi and Guy were sitting at a corner kotatsu at BBQs. Guy put his sake down, deep in thought.

"Kakashi, once saw her split the skin on her thigh from over exertion of chakra on a mission. She passed it off as nothing, but I could tell she was bothered by it."

"It's like her body either can't handle the amount of chakra it produces or her body can't handle the strain it takes for her to empty her pool. And, I mean, she already doesn't take the best care of herself. She's overworked. Her fiend Yohe told me that she's worked so long that she's passed out in the hospital corridor."

Might Guy poured himself another sake.

"She's passionate, Kakashi. Have you brought this to her attention."

"Not yet, I'm about to spend the weekend with her, so I'm planning on bringing it up."

Shikamaru came up to the table.

"Hey, Kakashi Sensei. Lord Third is looking for you."

"Okay, thanks."

Kakashi got up.

"I'll see you later, Guy."

"Good luck."

As Kakashi made his way to Lord Hiruzen's office, he was hoping that his mission would be short. He had just come off of a mission, so he was hoping for about a week of down time so he could see his bride.

"You sent for me, Lord Third?"

"Yes, you're being summoned to Tenchi. Lady Souh requested to see you."

"Is this... about Mizuka?"

Hiruzen nodded.

"Yes, but she's okay. She overexerted her body and she's currently in their hospital recovering. Lady Suoh thought it would be a good idea for you to come down and be with her. I was going to take you out of rotation for a week anyway so you could recover from your last mission, so that works out well. Report back in a week. Go take care of your girl"


He tried to stay calm until he was out of the front gate, but even through the village he couldn't help but run. She was hurt, and he had to get to her. When he reached the tree line outside of the gates, he began to run at full speed. Every awful thing ran through his head as he ran through the forest: was he just being told that she was okay so he wouldn't panic? Was she scared? Was anyone with her? He reached Tenchi in less than a day, reaching the front doors running purely on adrenaline.


The respirator twins, Aiko and Cho, were at the nurses' station.

"Upstairs. 211."

He took off up the stairs, dodging people, and burst through the door. Mizuka was propped up by pillows in the hospital bed. She had a book in her hands and a surprised look on her face that quickly turned to delight.


He was breathing heavily as he fell to his knees beside her bed.

"Are... you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine,, but you don't look good. Did you run all the way here?"


Yohe walked in to check on her friend, also surprised to see Kakashi. She sighed heavily at the ninja leaning over her bed, still out of breath.

"You. Get in. I'll get you something to drink."

He climbed up into Mizuka's bed and laid his head on her chest. Yohe brought him a glass of water.

"Drink all of this. You two are the worst at taking care of yourselves."

He drank his water and laid back down on his wife, still propped up on her pillows. Even in teh sterile hospital, she smelled like cherry blossoms and lavender. He breathed in her scent deeply as he calmed himself. She was safe. She wasn't scared or alone. She was just resting, like he was told.

"I was afraid you were really hurt. I couldn't get here fast enough."

She ran a hand through his messy white hair, calming him further.

"I'm fine, baby. Just overdid it."

Even though she was safe, he couldn't stop the tears forming in his eyes. All of the emotion from a day of fear was trying to escape. She didn't say a word, simply holding him against her and letting his tears fall down her chest, wetting her hospital gown. They laid there for a long time in silence, until their quiet was broken by the door cracking open.

"Hey, are you guys hungry? I brought you some dinner. Hope you like pork cutlet ramen."

"Aiko, you're amazing."

Kakashi looked up to see the older respirator healer standing there with a tray in her hands.

"You okay, Kakashi? I'm more worried about you than Mizuka. She's been in good hands."

"I'm fine now. Thank you."

Aiko placed the tray on the table next to them. On it was two steaming bowls of pork ramen, hot tea, chopsticks and water.

"Ring me if you both need anything. Cho and I will keep an eye on you tonight."

She shut the door quietly, leaving them alone in the room again. It was dark out, and the room was only dimly lit by a light over the sink in the room. Kakashi couldn't believe hat he was so worried about her being alone; she had the most supportive friends. He sat up and handed her a bowl and chopsticks. The ramen warmed his tired body, and looked as if it was doing the same for Mizuka. They ate quietly and when they were finished, he kissed her gently and she held her hands out, inviting him back into her bosom. While he knew she also needed comfort, he greedily nestled back into her chest.

"I can hold you, if that's what you need."

He felt the laughter in her chest as it fell from her mouth.

"I'm fine. It sounds like your day was much more upsetting than mine. Everything is fine. Tomorrow is another day. Let's rest now, and start fresh then."

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