The Proposal - Kakashi

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They strolled away from the bustle of the festival and down a path closer to the Tenchi river, lined with blossoming Cherry Blossom trees. The path was dotted with lovers embracing and enjoying each others company.

"Wow, Mizuka. This place is beautiful."

"Tenchi does have the most beautiful blossoms in the Land of Fire."

It was beginning to get dark, making the illuminated lanterns stand out between the trees. The glow of the lantern light made his lover's face glow in an ethereal light and, inher beautiful white kimono, she looked like a moon goddess. Even with one hand on his crutch, he took Mizuka by the waist and swept her around gracefully, as if dancing to a silent melody. She held his shoulders and nestled her face into the crook of his neck.

"I haven't gotten to tell you how absolutely stunning you look tonight, Z.  You truly honor me by accompanying me tonight."

She blushed a deep red.

"Oh, Kakashi. This night has been so romantic.  And dancing with you in the falling blossoms only makes me realize how deeply I've fallen in love with you in the past month. I'm not sure how I made it without your sweet touch for the past nine years."

He tilted her chin up tenderly, softly brushing his lips against hers.

"Marry me, Mizuka."

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