Maybe Someday - Kakashi

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"Okay. The sun is up. It's beautiful outside. Get out of my hospital."

Kakashi woke up groggily, still nestled up against Mizuka. Yohe appeared to be discharging them, and Kakashi couldn't get out quick enough. He hated hospitals, so it was ironic that he was married to an elite healer. They got up and he helped her get dressed. She was still a little weak, but she said that she felt much stronger than she did yesterday.

"Take care of her, Kakashi. And take care of yourself. I'll come by later this evening to check on you guys."

"I will. Thank you, Yohe. So much."

He put an arm around Mizuka and helped to support her as they walked down the corridor and out the front door.

"Are you hungry?"

They both sat disheveled in a booth at their favorite breakfast joint, laughing and eating.

"So, how long are you here for? Please don't tell me you're leaving today."

He smiled at her.

"I just got off of a mission, so you have me for a week, Love."

Her face lit up excitedly. Kakashi stopped her.

"Now, wait. You need some serious rest, Z. I'm taking care of you for the next few days. After that, we can do whatever."

She gave him a feigned pout. He took her hand across the table.

"I just want you to be - did you burn your fingers?"

Mizuka took her hand back quickly, staring at the tabletop.

"I... I didn't mean to."

"Are these chakra burns?"


"Mizuka... I was actually going to talk to you about that. I'm really concerned. It seems like your chakra pool is larger than your body can handle. You're incredibly powerful, but your body can't keep up."

"I know. You're not the first to mention it. It's just that, when I see people who need help, I can't pull myself away. It's my ninja way."

He sat quietly, watching her. He wasn't sure how to address the issue. He knew it wasn't intentional, but she still had to be careful. He stood up and joined her on her side of the booth. He took her hand and placed it over his heart, holding it there with both of his hands.

"When are you going to come back to Konoha and let me take care of you?"

She gave him a sweet but sad smile.

"Maybe someday. But, for now, I belong here."

He took her hand from his chest and kissed it tenderly.


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