Warmth - Mizuka

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Mizuka laid on the floor next to the hearth. She had spent the last half hour trying to light it, unsuccessfully. She wanted to cry, but she didn't have the energy. Maybe they would be home tomorrow.

Knock. Knock.

Mizuka lifted herself off the floor to see who it was. She didn't really care; if they killed her at least she wouldn't be hungry and cold anymore. She opened the door to find that rude kid Kakashi standing there.

"What do you want?"

He offered her the brown paper bag he was holding.

"Don't get all excited, it's just ramen."

She opened the bag to find a bunch of instant ramen cups. Her eyes grew wide at the thought of eating again.

"But... why?"

"I couldn't sleep knowing you were hungry. Or you were a liar."

"Would you like to come in?"

Kakashi stepped inside. The house was absolutely freezing. There was scorched wood laying all around and in the hearth. Mizuka ran to the kitchen, putting the kettle on and ripping the top off of two instant ramen cups and pouring the boiling kettle water into them. She stared intensely at the contents, as if the only thing that was going to cook the noodles was her sheer force of will.

"It's freezing in here. Are you crazy? Why didn't you light the hearth?"

Mizuka answered without turning away from her ramen.

I ran out of matches yesterday. I couldn't get it lit."

She deemed her noodles finished as she grabbed her chopsticks and dug in.

"Hot, hot, HOT!!!"

She could hear the noodles crunch as she chewed, and she could feel Kakashi's eyes on her. Guess she wasn't a liar after all. Her eyes watered as she gulped the still steaming liquid from the cups. Her mouth was scorched.

"Do your parents usually leave you for long periods of time?"

"What are you, on the council of elders? I wish you were, maybe then I wouldn't be hungry every time they leave. Yeah, they're usually gone this long. Sometimes longer."

She stood in front of him and bowed deeply.

"Thank you for the food, Senpai."

Kakashi walked to the hearth and took a book of matches from his pocket. He lit the hearth and handed her the matches.

"Please, Kakashi. I can't take anything else-"

"Take them, or you'll freeze."

She accepted the matches.

"I'd better be going. Good luck."

"You can stay as long as you want. It's not like there's anything going on here. And my parents probably won't be home for days still."

Kakashi shrugged.


"Hold on, I'll be right back."

Mizuka left and came back with a stack of blankets and pillows.

"We can lay by the hearth."

She spread everything out on the floor and finally removed her coat and scarf, snuggling into the blankets. She motioned for Kakashi to join her, which he did, but didn't remove his coat. They sat in silence for a long time until Mizuka fell asleep.

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