Fuck Boy - Kakashi

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As Kakashi was pinned down to the bed, he moved to thrust his throbbing cock inside of her, but she raised her ass away from him, making his effort futile. She giggled and playfully bit his ear and neck.

Wow, he thought. She's teasing me.

Kakashi didn't think he had ever been teased before. Usually, women jumped at the opportunity to fuck him, which was boring. They were willing to give everything away so quickly. Or maybe he was just a fuck boy to them. He closed his eyes and stopped struggling, letting this different feeling take over. The frustration and electric were radiating from his hips to the rest of his body. He leaned his head back while still propped on his bandaged elbows, exposing more of his vulnerable neck to Mizuka's will. She kissed down his chin to his neck. He never would have imagined ten years ago that he would be back with Mizuka; he was sure that she had moved on quickly after their split. He had baggage, and someone as kind as her could easily find someone without so many issues. I mean, they were close as young teenagers, exploring their budding sexuality with each other's bodies. Right? He was pretty sure that he was just an easy fuck to her; they were already together most evenings. Because she left a year later and never came back? But it probably didn't help that he called her his fuck buddy through the locked door.

"Kakashi, are you okay?"

He opened his eyes and tipped his head back up to a very concerned looking Mizuka.

"Are you not feeling well again? Are you cold?"

Kakashi was so lost in his head that he didn't even realize that he had gone soft. Mizuka laid down next to him, cuddling him, and spoke softly in his ear.

"Talk to me. Please."

Kakashi turned on his side.

"Why did you hang out with me so much when we were kids? I was a prick to everyone, even you. And you still wanted to have sex with me?"

Mizuka smiled sweetly, looking into his gray eyes.

"Why wouldn't I have wanted my first time to be with the person I trusted the most? I loved the way you looked at me; you made me feel beautiful. And I felt safe with you, you were always there for me and I could tell you everything. I only left because it was the only chance I would have to make something of myself. It wasn't to hurt you. I was stuck in the hospital mending broken arms every day; I never went on missions and nothing new ever happened. Leaving you was the hardest decision I ever had to make. You were my sanctuary. And I knew that you weren't a prick. Not really."

He blushed at her kind words. He guessed the years had been hard on her as well.

"You were too good for me, Z. You still are."

"No, I wasn't. I loved you. And I still do."

Mizuka cradled him close and kissed his forehead tenderly.

"Kakashi, can I ask you a really personal question?"

"Of course."

"Did you... sleep around a lot?"

He wasn't sure where this was going, so probably better to be honest.

"Yeah, a lot. I couldn't find anyone to fill the hole in my life that you left."

He studied her face quietly. She looked upset.

"Me too. I should probably tell you that I've gained a reputation for sleeping around, especially when I was travelling with Tsunade. She would hit the bar for a drink and I would hit the bar to find a partner for the night. I've always been very careful with protection and everything, and I've tested constantly for the past nine years..."

He could see the shame on her face, which was completely unnecessary. He held her close and whispered in her ear.

"Have you slept with men from all five nations? I bet you have some amazing techniques."

"And beyond. Wherever we travelled. I've been all over the world."

"Oh Mizuka."

He kissed her passionately. Even though he was playing it up a bit, it was really sexy that she had travelled to so many places and partaken in so many trysts.

"Do you think you could show me some of what you've learned some time soon? That would be so sexy. I love a woman who can teach me a thing or two."

She grinned.

"Well, we could finish what we started."

"Okay, Sensei."

She gripped his hair and pulled his head back, exposing his neck again. He felt her soft tongue slide down his neck. As he watched her slowly move down his chest, looking up at him longingly, he thanked the higher powers for the gift that had been sent to him.

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