The Best I've Ever Had - Kakashi

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"Wow, I haven't seen her in years. She looks great. How'd you manage to hook her, Kakashi?"

Kakashi's face was still warm under his mask from seeing Mizuka again. Last night was hard without her, all alone, back in Konoha.

"I should've done it a long time ago, instead of acting like a stupid kid. I'm just glad I could finally make things right."

Might Guy stayed quiet. Kakashi appreciated that.

"Oh man. I wish a pretty girl would save my life. You gonna marry her, or what?"

Kakashi ran on in silence.

"You mean you didn't tell him, Kakashi?"

Kakashi could've slugged Guy.

"No, I haven't. And I really don't want anyone to know. I have a lot of enemies, and I'm in a lot of bingo books. I just want her to stay safe, and I don't want her being associated with me to put her in jeopardy."

"Woah! You're already married to her? It's been, like, three months since you left. Did you knock her up?"

Kakashi smiled. Not that I'm aware of, yet. I just didn't want to be without her any longer."

Asuma grinned.

"So that's why you got to stay for so long. I thought it was strange that Dad's old flame came to the village for an undisclosed reason."


So, Lady Suoh had a hand in his extended leave from the village.

"Any chance she'll be coming back to the village?"

"Honestly, probably not. At least, not immediately. I don't think she's ready to face her family yet."

"Oh, yeah, she's got that strange family situation..."

Might Guy finally interjected.

"Why don't you want your friends to know, Kakashi?"

He didn't have a good answer for that. He had been out the night before with them to toast his good health, but he had specifically asked Guy not to mention he had gotten married.

"I don't know. Mizuka has been my secret for most of my life."

He paused.

"But I don't think I want her to be anymore. At least not for you guys."

Asuma grinned.

"That's okay, I understand."

Asuma grinned even wider.

"How's the sex?"

Kakashi's grin also grew wider.

"The best I've ever had."

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